When I finally opened my eyes, my phone was a litter of messages from our group chat.
Wade had been driving home from meeting with a client in Portland when he witnessed an accident.
Evie. My Evie was in an accident.
"What the fuck happened?" I asked once Wade picked up his phone after the first ring.
"I am not sure, bro. All I know is I saw two cars change lanes in front of me only for one of the cars to rear end the car in front on the rear driver's corner. The car spun out and then rolled off the side of the highway. When I stopped and ran to the car, I realized it was Evie. She is alive and I have no idea how." Wade explained.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I said jumping into my car and heading straight toward Whiskey Hills County Hospital.
If I lose this girl, I, fuck, I don't even want to think about it.
"We are at the hospital now, where are you?" He asked.
"I am just leaving Foremen Estates now. I will come there. Is she okay? What's the word?" I asked as my phone linked to the Bluetooth and I sped to the hospital.
"She is stable. In and out of consciousness. I don't think she fully realizes what is going on, Willie." Wade said.
There was something else that he wasn't telling me, and it was making me sick.
"What else?" I asked in a growl.
"I can't. Just get here, bro. She was asking for you in the ambulance. Like I said, she is in and out." Wade sighed.
I could tell that things were serious just by the sound of his voice and I hated to that I wasn't already at the hospital with her.
"I'm here," I said pulling into the hospital and parked in the first spot I saw open. I am not even sure it is a legal spot, but I don't fucking care. I ended the call and ran into the hospital running right towards my brothers who all sat in the waiting room with grave looks on their faces.
This isn't good, their expressions told me that much.
"Where is she!" I yelled as loud as I could causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look my way. Doctor Springs, one of the few doctors our town had, was the first to point towards the room at the end of the hall and I sprinted towards it.
I busted into the room a second later to find her laying in the bed all bandaged up with dried tears and a pain written all over her face.
"Willie," she mumbled as her voice cracked and a new set of tears and sobs erupted from her. It nearly killed me to see her like this.
"I'm here, I'm here," I said rushing toward her. I gently took her face in my hands and rested my forehead against hers. She cried and cried and so did I. I hated, absolutely hated, seeing her like this.
"I want to hug you, but I don't know what's hurt," I groaned before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. It is killing me to not be able to pull her into my arms.
Evie lifted her arms and pouted which caused me to smile and gently wrap my arms around her.
"I'm sorry," She whimpered before the tears started again. It fucking broke my heart, and it pissed me off all at the same time. She had no reason to apologize to me.
"You have no reason to be sorry, my love." I said before hugging her tighter.
"Hey, can we come in?" Wade asked. I pulled away slightly but kept one arm around her before nodding to my brothers.
They all poured into the room and looked at both me and Evie with somber expressions on their faces.
"Well, you've brought the whole family." Doctor Springs said with a smile walking into the hospital room.
"I hope it is okay," Evie whispered.
"It's fine dear, I just need your verbal consent to talk about the results." Doctor Springs said looking between myself and Evie.
"It's fine," Evie said, meekly while avoiding looking at me.
I could sense that she was growing weaker by the second, and she looked like she was about to fall asleep at any moment.
"Well, the results are showing good news. Aside from you left wrist, you've no broken bones. We've found no internal bleeding, no head trauma aside from a few bumps that will go away with time." The Doctor explained. "We are going to do an ultrasound of your stomach to ensure the baby is healthy but the results from the blood panel show that everything is normal, the ultrasound is a precaution. I will have an OB in here in about twenty minutes." She said before nodding and leaving the room a moment later.
"Baby?" I asked looking back at Evie who looked up at me with her beautiful emerald eyes. I watched as she blinked back tears and bit down on her bottom lip before nodding her head.
"It's yours," she said looking away from me, suddenly finding the blanket covering her more interesting than me at the moment.
"So that's why you came back," I said feeling a bit defeated.
She had only come home because she was pregnant with my child. I mean, I am happy that she is back, but I hate that the only reason she is even here is because she is having my child. Is that selfish of me? I fucking know it is.
"This time," she nodded.
Her words caught me off guard and my eyes snapped back to look at her. Still, she avoided my eyes. I hooked my finger under her chin and pulled her chin up so I could look into her eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked once her eyes were locked with mine.
I didn't like this situation but more than that, I didn't like the look on her face. Clearly this is painful for her. Had she come back home before? How had I missed that? Why did she seem so wounded and defeated?
"Evie came back before...a week after she left. I told her to leave." Wyatt said catching me off guard. I let my hand fall from Evie's face as my eyes snapped to my brother. Please tell me that he did not just say what I think he did.
"What?" I snapped looking at my brother who had a defeated look on his face. "Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked.
"It's my fault, really," Evie said with a sniffle, and I quickly looked back at my sad baby girl with a broken heart.
My chest ached at the mere sight of her, and I fucking hated to see her so...hurt.
"No, no, it's fucking not." I said shaking my head.
I ran my hands roughly down my face before wrapping my arms back around my girl. If I understood this correctly, my girl came back for me before only for my brother to tell her to leave. I felt nothing but rage for Wyatt but right now Evie is what mattered, and I need more information before I beat the shit out of my brother.
"Why did you come back before, Evie?" Wyrn asked.
I didn't bother to look at my brothers, but I could sense their anger and I know that it is also pointed at Wyatt. I am so fucking grateful that they care for Evie—I'm fucking lucky that she has my brothers as fierce protectors.
I sensed the energy in the room shift as soon as Wyatt opened his mouth and I know for a damn fact that none of them knew what he'd done. I also knew that they would help me beat the fuck out of him if it came to it.
"She wanted to speak to Willie," Wyatt said before Evie could even answer. I sent him another glare, truthfully, he was only making it worse for himself.
Evie buried her face in my stomach and wrapped her arms around my hips holding me tight against her. Fuck, this woman melted me.
"Why didn't you let her?" Wyrn asked. "What the fuck were you thinking?"
"What the hell, Wyatt?! Why didn't you tell one of us?" Weston asked throwing his hands up.
"Fucking idiot," Wade said crossing his arms and sending Wyatt a glare.
Seemed like they were all with me, and they were all mad at Wyatt.

The Whiskey Brothers: Willard
RomanceThe Whiskey Brothers: Book I Willard 'Willie' Whiskey has been in love with Evie for two years but due to the age gap between them he has kept his feelings hidden even going as far as keeping this huge secret from his five brothers. On the night of...