*Katie's POV*
Mr. Booth keep telling us about himself for the whole class period and most of the time he was looking or even staring at Kaitlyn.
The bell has dismissed us, so we can go to lunch.
"Class the bell does not dismiss you, i do." Then what the fuck is the bell for.
He dismissed us and we left for lunch. When we got to the cafeteria, it was filled. People greeting others and the long line to wait for school food. Really its disgusting food.
I sat down with Kaitlyn at an empty table, after a couple of minutes Conner approached us with a tray in his hand, with milk and pizza ew gross.
"Hey is anyone sitting here?"
"Oh who?"
"Your ass is sitting here, that's who."
He chuckled and i saw in the corner of my eye his brother was starting at us and i could feel the energy of anger.
Us three sat in silence until we were dismissed. I only have two more classes, World History and Math.
When I got World History I saw no one that I know so far damn it. So I sat in the front so i wouldn't have to deal with the flicks from the boys, i recognized them from my first class.
"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Hoof I'm your World History's teacher for this semester then you'll go to economics with Mr. Hoof for the rest for the year." Mrs. Hoof was a dark red head with very pale skin and freckles, she looked like if she were in her late twenties. She explained how this class was going to run and all of her expectations from us. After what felt like hours and hours of her talking the bell rang and now i have math the worst subject .
"Hey wait up!" Someone yelled across the hall were they talking to me . I answered that myself when a boy with light blue dyed hair approached me.
"Hi, my name is Tanner."
Hey guys i know i have not been updating in any of my stories but I'm back now and i will be updating more. I will be doing a dedication in each story and chapter, it will work like this for the first person to vote and leave a comment will get a dedication in the next chapter. If you comment, vote, share and follow me you'll be in one of the stories you want to be in. This will go on until September 14th(my birthday) and I'll start it again December 14th. So if you want any of these just do these things and I'll message you.

Set Free
FantasyShe is a party freak. He is a nerd. His present is her past and her present is his past.