The Day I took Axel Coors On A Real Date!

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️SLIGHT TW FOR SA⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

How'd I get here?

Hiding in a dumpster with my boyfriend?

I'm gonna have to go back pretty far to explain that one.

24 hours earlier

"DITTO?!" I shout. Axel stares at me with wide eyes. "What?" He asks. "I just said I love you for the first time and all you can say is ditto?!" I say. Axel nods sheepishly. "I'm sure we've said it before." He argues. "Yeah, through text! Never in words and especially not as boyfriends." I counter. Axel shrugs. " I retract my apology! Fight back on." I say, standing angrily and storming off.

"Jace, wait! C'mon, we just started talking again!" Axel calls after me. "Not talking to you." I say. Axel grabs my arm and turns me around. "I love you." He says. "Did you mean that?" I ask. "Now you're being immature." Axel sighs. "Okay, okay, I'm joking. Thank you." I surrender. Axel kisses me.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

We pull away from each other to see Coach standing in the parking lot, the head lights of his car shining a spotlight on Axel and I. "Oh shit." Axel says. "Should we run?" I ask. I'm actually afraid. I'm used to Coach on the ice, not on the field where I happen to be kissing his son. Coach comes rushing over, the fastest I've ever seen him move in all my years on the team.

"Axel, what the hell?! I turn my back for 5 minutes and you disappear and go off kissing my player?!" Coach shouts. Axel and I freeze. "We weren't kissing. I... Forgot my chapstick and Jace was just helping me out." Axel lies. "Ax, we've been caught." I say. "Caught?" Coach asks. I take a deep breath and look at Axel.

He grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Coach, I'm dating your son. We've been dating for a few weeks now actually." I say. Coach's frown softens and he falls silent. "Oh my God, I think we killed him. We killed my dad with our gayness." Axel says, dramatically. Coach snaps out of his trance. "No, no. I'm happy! I'm thrilled actually!" Coach says. "Really?" Axel and I ask in unison.

"Yeah! If I want my son dating any of my players I'd want it to be you Jace. I know you'll treat him right." Coach elaborates.  "Let me get this straight, you aren't mad?" Axel asks. "No, not at all, Kid." Coach says. " So we've been sneaking around for nothing?" Axel sighs. I laugh. "I guess so, Axel." I say.

"Is that why you've been all moody lately, Axel?" Coach asks. Axel huffs. "For the record, I am not 'moody', but yes." He says with an eye roll. "So where have you taken my boy so far, Jace?" Coach asks. "Umm. We haven't actually been on a date yet, Coach." I admit nervously.

Coach sighs and takes his baseball cap off. "I'm asking you this as your boyfriend's dad and not as your hockey coach, please take him out on a proper date." Coach says. Axel's body heats up and his face turns cherry red. "Dad actually stop! You are so embarrassing!" He whines. "What? I'm helping you out, Kid." Coach says.

"No, no, he's right, Babe." I say. Axel looks at me with wide eyes. "We've been going out for a few weeks. We've already had our first fight but not our first date. I think it's time." I say. Axel's facial expression goes from confused to flustered. I grab his hands and get down on one knee. "Axel Carl Coors, will you  do me the honor of letting me take you on a date?" I ask.

He smiles. "Yes!" He squeals. We hug. "I know we're having a moment but if you ever say my middle name again I swear to God I'll break up with you." Axel whispers into my ear. I pull away from him. "As if, Axel Carl." I say, with a coy smile. Coach clears his throat grabbing our attention.

"Although I'm very supportive of you boys, I don't want to see you two this close together ever again. Come on Axel, it's getting late." He says. Axel hugs me again. "Alright, I've gotta go. Text me when you get home." He says. I wave to him as him and Coach make their way to the car.


I have a date to plan. Omg, I get to take Axel Coors on a date!


Dad and I get into the car. "So... How'd all this happen?" He asks, as we pull away from the school. I think for a second. "About a month ago, when he spent the night with us." I say. " I thought you hated him." Dad remarks. " I didn't hate him, I thought he was a little annoying and you sprung him on me like a disease." I explain.

Dad raises an eyebrow at me. "You know your players will do anything you say and you told him to babysit me." I huff. "I said to look after you, not babysit." Dad corrects, defensively. I glare at him. "Okay, I meant for him to babysit you." Dad finally admits.

We fall silent. "What are you driving at with Jace?" Dad asks suddenly. "What?" I ask. "Are you serious about him or you just trying to piss me by getting with him?" He elaborates. I scoff. "I'm hurt you would even ask that, Dad." I say.

"I'm sorry, Axel, but you don't have the best track record. How many guys have you brought home just to piss me off? Or all the guys you brought home for some stupid fling? Jace is serious about you, I can tell and I don't want either of you getting hurt." Dad lectures. He's right, I'm not a serious guy but Jace is.

He's my dream guy and I don't want to lose him. Maybe it's time I change my ways. "I can be serious for Jace. I swear, Dad, I'll be the best boyfriend to him that I can be. Neither of us is getting hurt." I assure him. Dad nods. "I'm proud of you, Son." He says, quietly.

My eyes widen. "You're.....Proud? Of me?" I ask. "Yeah. Sure, you've been a little wild but you've done a whole lot of growing up in the last year. I'm proud of how far you've come." Dad says. I fall silent. I'm sure he's said it before but it's odd hearing my dad say he's proud of me.

"Thanks, Dad." I finally choke out as Dad pulls into the driveway. " No problem, Son. Come on, Mom'll throw a fit if we're any later to dinner." He says, getting out of the car, leaving me with my thoughts.

My dad's proud of me.

We sit down for dinner. Dad must have blabbed to Mom about Jace and I since she hasn't stopped smiling at me since we came in. "So... Anything interesting happen today?" Mom asks, with a big telling smile. I look at Dad. "You told her?" I ask. "She can read my mind, I swear, Son." He says. I sigh. "So it's true?" Mom squeals. "Yes, I'm dating Jace." I admit.

Mom bounces in place excitedly. "Ah, my baby has a boyfriend! An age appropriate one this time." Mom snaps. Dad drops him fork and bursts out laughing. "Haha, very funny." I sigh. I'm glad we can joke about the past now. Denver is finally starting to feel like home again. My phone buzzes. "Oh, is that him?" Mom asks. I check it. "It is actually." I half-laugh.


Jace💍: Be ready at 5 tomorrow.

I smile. Always listening to my dad. "What'd he say?" Mom pries. "He wants to take me out tomorrow at 5. Can I go?" I ask. "Of course!" Mom and Dad say in unison.

Me: I'll be ready 😽. Love you

Jace💍: Ditto

Me: you're such an ass

Jace💍: I love you

I head up to my room soon after dinner. Jace is making me nervous. No guy I've ever been with has actually taken me on a real date, except Kylian but I don't count him for obvious reasons. Dad knocks on my door. I know it's him. Mom doesn't knock. "Come in." I call out. He enters slowly with a weird look on his face. "Son, we gotta talk." He says, nervously. "You didn't get Mom knocked up again, did you? I'm very accustomed to being an only child." I joke.

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