8.Loki is...

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Thor started to get scared for this reason because Loki didn't move - "Loki" shakes him and I call him without success Thor "LOKI" picks him up and calls him without success Thor "LOKI DAMN ANSWER ME" Loki doesn't mention nor answer Thor nor to try to move.  Thor began to cry with concern it was then that the Warlock God moved to wipe away the first tear that escaped the control of the God of Thunder-Thor at which point his embrace was reciprocated.  "You scared me…I called you several times but you didn't move or you spoke" "You called me" "Yes, I just told you" "Ah…I didn't hear you do it" "You seem confused" - Loki I try to get up with poor results since he was lying on the floor unlike Thor who was standing "brother are you okay?"  "yes, at least I think" "at least I think it's not an answer, come on come on, I'll give you a hand to get up" after those words Thor I try to help Loki up but without success "I feel tired Thor leave me alone" "don't joke Loki up get up" "five minutes I take a quick nap and then try again to get up" "doesn't seem like a good idea" "I'm cold" "it's impossible that you have it" "it's not if there is".  Thor worried to death for Loki decided to ask a rather unusual thing to the Avengers and T'challa "get us back together" "we can't do what you ask us Thor, the machine is more damaged than before and therefore it can't work" "fix it" " it will take some time" "how much?"  "hours"-Thor after that speech made with his companions I think the best choice was to go to Asgard they would probably have understood that it was happening to Loki even if he already had a theory or that his brother was dying.  "Heimdall open the bifrost" after those words the God of Thunder and the God of Tricks met by Heimdall in the place where the bifrost is housed "what good wind brings you to Asgard prince Thor and with you I know there is also prince Loki your father in it he will be very happy" "it's not a good time for pleasantries Heimdall I think Loki is dying" "he doesn't seem sick" - Heimdall changed his mind shortly after seeing the skin of the Warlock God blue like that of the enemies of the Asgardians "I have to find Freya do you know where she is?"  "I don't think it's a good idea that you bring Loki to her, you know the past between your father and Freya" "It is instead where is it?"  "in his swamp" "thanks Heimdall" "know that I will have to report this conversation to your father" "I know well but wait at least ten minutes so if my father sent the guards to get me I would have an advantage" "ok but move now".  At that point the God of Thunder took his brother in his arms and carried him away flying towards the swamp of Freya while Heimdall began to walk towards the gate of the king's castle.

The two gods arrived very soon to Freya who was already waiting for them outside her house as she had predicted their arrival in a dream.  "We need your help" the God of Thunder began "Didn't Odin tell you to stay away from me God of Thunder because I only bring trouble?"  "yes, I've done it many times but I need your magic for Loki to survive" "I'll help you but there's a price to heal him or rather the price of re-melting you together..." "alright as long as Loki is well" "let me finish …you will never be able to part again" "that's fine with me".  Freya then began to cast the spell as the God of Thunder placed Loki in Freya's bed and then stood beside her.

Heimdall meanwhile had entered the castle where he was telling the king what Thor had said is what he intended to do-"did you let them go even though Thor told you he wanted to go to Freya?"  "yes your majesty but in my defense prince Loki was rather in such bad shape that Thor told me he was dying" "I don't care Heimdall if something happens to Thor I will hold you responsible because Freya is dangerous" "but husband…" " nothing but wife you know very well that Freya practices dark magic therefore guard…" "yes your majesty" "go immediately to get Thor back" "yes your majesty" - after those words the Asgardian guards started walking towards the swamp where Thor and Loki.

"Freya hurry up please Loki is getting worse" "how is it getting worse?"  "I think he has a fever and it's quite high" "don't worry it's normal that we have it" "because it's normal that we have a high fever?"  "well…its magic is inside of you since when you split you were probably in the same place" "its quite normal that we were in the same place since we were in the head of our merger" "you could be the one in a memory I just don't know I've never been fused with anyone" "wait a minute how did you know that Loki and I were fused in the same body since I just told you?"  "premonitory dream" "premonitory dreams don't show you anything but what is going to happen to you" "well…over the years I have improved my premonitory dreams through potions created by me" "ok".  Freya after a few minutes from the end of the conversation with Thor I entered the room with a potion since she had understood that a spell would have been too long to carry out and too risky for Loki to bear.  "Thor drink this while I make Loki drink it" Thor drink the potion in one gulp without asking Freya any kind of question knowing full well that this would have served to save Loki  "drunk now" "well...now let's wait for your bodies they fuse together" - not even the time to speak that Thor dissolved into dust that I entered Loki's body making their fusion return.

Author Moment

I hope this chapter is understandable and enjoyable and see you tomorrow with a new chapter T-T.


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