Chap 6 : An I guess will do

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I pick out one of my cutest dresses before heading to the shower. I wash my hair so I take extra long in the bathroom. Rushing out, I put the straightener on then start getting dressed. The flower printed dress had a little opening at the back but there were ropes which I could tie just for beautification. I do a 360 in front of the mirror when I'm done fixing the dress.

The dress is pretty but I'm not.. I look too fat in this. I sigh taking the dress off. I go back to my closet and after a while of scanning through it I settle with a top and jeans. It's way better than that dress. At least I think.

I straighten my hair and put on some lip gloss. I pause looking at my self in the mirror as I sit in front of it. I pull out the drawers. My eyes fall on the makeup kit inside it and I stare at it for a while before picking it out.

I've never put on make up before, well just once- on my aunt's wedding in middle School- and I don't think I looked my best.

I sigh.. no, I shouldn't. I put the kit back into it's place then shut the drawers close. Just the lip gloss is fine or is it? Noah likes girls with makeup. Loren's one of them and she's always on makeup but it fits her perfectly. He also likes girls who wear revealing clothes and I'm always covered up. I can't wear crop tops or short skirts because I'm fat.

I wipe the lip gloss off with the back of my palm. It was so stupid of me to even think of putting it on. I wipe it again with the front of my palm this time.

After giving myself a little pep talk and one last look in the mirror, I find myself walking down the road to Noah's house. I push the doorbell and I hear it ring inside the house. I move back taking a few deep breaths. It's gonna be okay Abby. Nothing's going to go wrong.

The door opens and I see Loren opening the door for me. You have got to be f-ing me. I'm almost hyperventilating as I take slow steps backwards. No no no no.

"Who's there?", I hear someone ask from inside and Loren gives me a shitty look.

"A rando", she says and Noah opens the door widely and when he sees me he gives Loren a look before taking her hand, he pulls her to her car.

"Bye Loren", he says with an off tone.

"No Goodbye kiss", she says biting her bottom lip in what she'd think- no scratch that cause he'll also think that way too. They both think it's a sexy gesture. I mean, she is biting it seductively.

Noah sighs, "Not now Loren".

"Why? Because of the fat girl", she says and I look away dejectedly. In an attempt to not stand there idley I put a hand on my other, holding it's elbow tightly.

"Don't call her that", Noah warns and I'm half surprised that he's helping me out.

"Why? She's fat isn't she? and why is she even here, she's a creep. She literally wanted to watch us have sex-",

"Loren!", Noah yells and she's in shock but she recovers after a while scoffing before getting into her car. She backs out of the driveway and onto the road and for a moment I'm praising her driving skills in my mind. We both watch her drive away and when Noah faces me I come back to reality and it hits me hard in the face.

"I'm-", Noah starts but I don't let him finish because I Know what next his going to say and majorly because I don't want to be here anymore.

"I'll just go", I say and I could feel tears brimming over my eye lids.

"No don't go. What Loren said-", I cut him off again.

"What Loren said was the truth", I say, "I'm a creep, I'm disgusting, I'm.. fat", I let out slowly blinking a few times to avoid the tears from falling.

His chubby princessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon