Quest nine: twins of magic

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Four hooded figures. One held a sword. But they all had a goal. "We need food." One said. His voice deep. They all separated. One stood on a roof top. His hands lowered to his side. Another had a bag. The third wore something to hide who he was. Walking along the crowd. They all needed to be in position. "Oh, god! Help!" Shouted the one in the crowd. It was time.

After twenty minutes of acting, stealing and illusions, they had their food. 

Levi was heading back to the tavern. He was holding fifteen pints of whisky. He was almost back when two hooded figures jumped him. One held a sword/ "Hey! Stop!" Levi yelled. He couldn't fight back. Luckily, Amethyst and Uther grabbed the hooded figures. "Ha, you really couldn't of attacked anyone else."

"Run back to the tavern Levi."
"Got it."

Once Amethyst and Uther came back with the two strangers, everyone was waiting. Levi was pissed. "Who are you? Why the hell did you attack me?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Levi, its not a good idea saying twenty one questions at once. First off, who are you?"
"My name is Itachi. I'm the master of illusions."
"I'm Madara. I'm his brother."

"Okay, why did you attack my friend?"
They didn't answer. Something about Amethyst made them spill all about their plan. "We just want revenge. Over two friends. They betrayed us. One of them is coming here."

"We can help you."

"Thank you."
"Why don't you join us."

"Your all a team?"
"Yea. Amethyst has joined us together."
"We'll join you. But its only one of our former friends. The other seems to be more allusive."

The group started to plan. This 'friend' was not as powerful as people always seemed to think he was. But he was smart and had always had that. Itachi knew they would need to be even smarter. Madara certainly knew that. 

An hour later, they didn't have anything. "How are we still thinking?"
"Ms Amethyst, we are trying our best. All you need is patience. I'm sure you can have that."

"I know. When is this guy coming?"
"In ten minutes. But I have it. Do you trust me?"

Amethyst nods and they start preparing outside the tavern. A hooded figure was standing in the middle of the village street. He did not move for carts. He didn't move for people. Madara stepped out. Followed by Itachi. His head lowered. "Hello you two."
"Hello traitor."
"Now, now. We all moved past that. You agree, don't you Itachi."

No response. The stranger charged. Madara and Itachi split off. Down one way, the stranger followed Itachi. He was thinking it would be an easy fight. A dead end. "Well, looks like you're trapped." The stranger said, evilly. Forcefully pulling down the hood covering Itachi's head. But instead of the face the stranger thought was Itachi's, it was Amethyst. "I believe you got tricked."
"Look behind you."

Turning around, Itachi was stood behind the stranger. They had used magic to fool this man. "You won't hurt me, will you?" He cried. Levi fell down alone, beheading the stranger. It was all over. Itachi complimented Madara's plan. But he also had a question. "How did you manage to think of that so quickly?"
"Well, it was ms Amethyst. Her positive undertone seems to make things easier."

Uther seemed to agree with madara. Amethyst's tone was something magical.

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