7: all night long (smut)

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TW: SEXUAL ASAULT we got to the club and there paparazzi out side. "LOLITA ARE YOU WITH TOM KAULITZ? LOLITA IS YOUR HOW IS YOUR ALBUM GOING? ARE YOU PREFORMING WITH TOKIO HOTEL?" and when we actually got in the club there was people everywhere. i mean everywhere. me and the band went straight to the bar. "i'll take a margarita" everyone else got a beer.

i got up to dance with tom. we got to the dance floor and i swayed my hips to the beat with my arms thrown around his neck and his on my waist. about an hour later "IM GONNA GET US SOME DRINKS" tom yelled over the loud music "OK!" i yelled back. i proceeded dancing when some dude came up to me "Lolita right?" "yea hi!" i assumed he wanted a picture or something.

he grabbed my hips swaying them "wanna dance" i felt so uncomfortable but i was not gonna let some dude get to me. "no actually i'm here with my-" "i don't care baby." he said moving his hands to my ass squeezing it tightly. "ouch! stop your hurting me!" i started looking around for tom, georg, gustav bill, anyone. "stop it let go!" his grip on my arms were too tight i bit him hard. "ouch! you slut!" suddenly somebody socked him in the face making him fall.

it was tom. they both started fighting and i grabbed tom's shirt trying to rip him and the guy apart. thank god someone came in "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" "GET YOUR SLUTTY GIRLFRIEND OUT OF HERE!" "CALL HER A SLUT AGAIN WHATCH YOU FUCKING ASS" i was mad so why not throw something in there too? i yelled "BEING A DICK DOESNT MAKE YOURS BIGGER FUCK FACE." i ran into tom's arms "are you ok??" "yes but.."

i showed him my bruised wrists from the guys grip. the rest of the band was already outside "tom! lola! are you ok??" "yes i'm okay" "im fine. let's just go." we all got in the car "do you guys wanna go home or go eat?" "i'm hungry let's eat!" i said. everyone agreed. we went to an italian restaurant and it was so pretty!

bill and i ordered a pasta, tom ordered a burger, and georg and gustav got a pizza. "so how's the album going lolita? are you writing more songs?" georg said breaking the silence. "it's really good! i'm sooo excited for the release! i'm already thinking about my next album." i didn't tell them about the song for tom yet.

"are you guys excited for tomorrow's preformance?" everyone nodded. "i'm gonna go wash my hands their still bloody" tom said. perfect! i can tell everyone the plan! "ok so i have a song i'm preforming tomorrow. it hasn't came out yet it's totally unreleased its called lust for life. tomorrow before the performance i'm going to record it and it's gonna be the last song. okay?" "okay but-" tom got back and i signeled every one to be quiet.

soon enough dinner was over and we were in the hotel again. tom held the door for me making sure i got in safely. then he turned me around and kissed me. i moaned in his mouth as we made out way to the bed. he started giving me hickeys on my neck making me moan and whimper more. he took off my shirt and got on top of me and started kissing my boobs. "oh fuck tom.." i yelled out.

suddenly we were both completely undressed and he started to go down on me and licking my entrance. i moaned really loud this time. he did it so good. he got up and i realized "tom we don't have condoms.." he went over to his bag and grabbed one out. he rolled it on and put himself into me hard. "fuck tom!" he still hadn't fully out himself into me. "you can take me i know you can lola" once he was all the way he went really slow.

"faster please tom." i asked he didn't respond still going slow making me whimper for more. "please tom! please fuck me fast baby." i begged this time. suddenly his slow thrusts turned into him pounding me hard. "is this fast enough baby?" he asked teasingly. i was a moaning mess. "tell me you love love me lola." "mmh fuck!" was all i could get our "tell me baby.." he went rougher "mmh tom i love you babe fuck!" i came. he kept going. "tom i can't take it please!" "yes you can." he kept going until he came too. "fuck.." we both gasped for air and i threw my self on the bed.

he licked all the cum on my pussy being gentle not to over stimulate it despite the fact it already was. we got up to change when we heard pounding and moaning next door. "OH TOM FASTER! PLEASE FUCK ME UHHH!" "FUCK LOLA TAKE ME OH SHIT!" gustav and georg were mocking us on the other side. me and tom went to the wall and did the same. "OH TOM BABY UH FUCK ME! FASTER OH FUCKK!" "YEA LOLA OH FUCK YOUR SO GOOD" we laughed "THEYRE STILL GOING?" "ALLLL NIGHT" tom screamed back

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫✰Where stories live. Discover now