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I feel light as a feather like I'm floating in then air. Where am I ?
I slowly opened my eyes and there's nothing here. Darkness swallowed everything around me. It's like I've been sucked into a huge void. It's strange I don't feel scared. Ironically the darkness is more comforting then anything I've ever felt.. It's like all of me feels whole here. I've become one with the darkness around me.

I tried to move, but I couldnt. I am stuck. It's as if my body has been frozen in time. The only thing I can do is move my eyes, its weird.
The last thing I can remember is being in Deimos arms. That's right, I was shocked by the flower attaching itself to me. That's when everything went left.
Is this place some type of dream void, or did the flower get me high an I'm on a crazy trip right now?
Maybe that's why I feel so Strangely free. A weight feels like it was lifted off of my chest. Wait Am I dead?
I don't know but one thing for sure is that if I'm still alive somewhere I am never touching that stupid flower again.

"Look at you, Pathetic."
A voiced echoed through the darkness.
"Weak. Weak. Weak!"
My eyes searched but nothing was in my view.
It's definitely a female voice, she sounds.. just like me?

"You've been denying this side of us for to long, you left me here to fester in your thoughts." The woman angrily spoke.
A gray smoke started to appear before me, growing bigger and bigger. Creating a huge orb.
I watched as a small woman slowly emerged from within the spear. Her long hair was silver just like mine. Her face resembled mine But her eyes where white as snow. Black scratch marks covered half of her face. Her skin color light gray and red veins ran down both her arms.
Her colossal white and reds wings dripped with blood, it was terrifying, yet beautiful. Black horns came out of her head. Each horn had a oddly unique shape.
She was wasn't me, but at the same time she was. I don't know what emotion I'm feeling right now. I can't even show it even if I tried. I think my heart would be racing right now, but the thing is.. I don't feel my heart beating within me. All I feel is serenity. Even as I look at this demon.

She grinned, floating towards me. The gray smoke stuck to her body like it was apart of her. I've never seen anything like this before.
I tired to speak but my mouth wouldn't budge. I want to ask her who she is, and where we were.
There's no doubt she is a demon. Her demonic ora is strong. Much stronger then Deimos. I have to be careful to make sure she doesn't try to hurt me.

"We will be one once more, and you can't run because I am you" she was only a few feet away from me, but I didn't want to run.

"We are each other. I know your darkest thoughts. Each time our "parents" treated us like trash you wanted to hurt them! I was there!" She stoked the side of my face and a bolt of lighting flashed in between us. For a second The light brighten up everything around us. We were standing in nothing.
I felt my body release, enabling me to move freely. I moved my arms around trying to make sure I was okay.
She continued to smile while intensely watching me.

The gray smoke around her started to hover around me.
"You have to remember Talia! Accept me." She leaned in and kissed me.
A bolt of heat pulsated threw my body, my vision went black until I felt myself being shaken.

I open my eyes to my mother standing over me with a knife. My heart instantly dropped. What is she doing. Why is she trying to kill me.
She looked hysterical as tears fell from her eyes. That wasn't the only odd thing. She looked so young.
Is this a illusion, or maybe I'm dreaming again?
A women ran to my mother and grabbed the knife from her hands.
"What do you think your doing!" My mother screamed. "She is evil may! Just look at her!" She screamed.
I don't know why I didn't notice it right away but this woman next to my mom is my aunt may. Rage poured out of her as she looked at my mother.

"She is a child of god still!" My aunt screamed.
"Then you take her, I will not raise this half devil" My mother looked down at me and grabbed my neck.

Her hands quickly tighten around my neck. Does my mother hate me this much she is really going to such lengths to hurt me.
Gasping for air I tried to pry her hands from around my neck, but my arms are tiny as a toddlers. What is all this!? Why am I a child!

"Stop it!" My aunt grabbed and yanked my mothers hands from around my throat. I coughed as air finally started to flow through me again.
"If you kill her.. he will kill you!"
My mother fell to her knees and began to cry into her hands.
"Leave now Lenn while I'm asking nicely." My mother stood up slowly and walked out the room without giving me a second glance.
My aunt gave me a slight smile while lifting me up.
"It's okay Tally your mother was just scared." She kissed my forehead and stroked my hair.

I can see it in her face that she wants to cry.
Is this all a lost memory? If it is I was definitely to young to remember any of this. What did my mom mean by half devil.
As my aunt held me she prayed over me, over and over again. Until my eyes closed.

"Do you see now."
I open my eyes to see the demon standing in front of me. She was no longer smiling instead she was crying. "Our mother never loved us because of what we are." She cried out.

Before saying a word the memory of seeing my aunt here popped into mind. She's here in this demon world. None of this is making sense. That serenity I was feeling is gone.
I'm scared.
"Why do you think you can see those demons Talia? Since being here everything has heightened for you hasn't it?"

She's right everything has been changing for me recently. I can feel demons moods, I can feels auras. Before falling into this deep slumber I could of sworn I heard Maylo's thoughts. I've always been able to see demons no matter what. Even the food here is.. amazing to me. Could this really be the reason my parents hate me. As soon as I told them I could see things they hated me even more. Using excuses not to deal with me.
I have to go find my aunt for more answers she is the only one who can help me.
I looked up at her and strangely enough I think this is why I felt so at peace here. For the first time ever I'm whole with myself. I always knew something was missing but I thought it the love of my parents, but its not. It's my other side to me.

"I think I believe you" I nervously said.
The demon laughed out.
"You think? No. You know. Don't deny me, you've already started to awaken. You've awaken enough for me to contact you like this, but You haven't awaken enough for me to fully intertwine with your body. For now you will have half of my powers. Now go find our aunt."

"Wait! How did you know I was thinking of going to find her!" I said trying to hide how shocked I was.
"We are one Talia, I wont keep you waiting much longer, we will be with each other soon." She said before pushing me.

I flew back. I tried to reach for her hand but it was useless I was hurdling back into the darkness. Faster and faster until my eyes finally opened.

"Talia!"Deimos shouted.

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