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The Elliott home was quiet as all 3 occupants were sound asleep. Until the youngest of the house, 6-month-old Adeline, started shrieking at 4 in the morning.

"Honey," Kaycee mumbled, shaking her husband since it was his turn to get up with the little one. "Baby's up,"

"Mhm," he nodded, rolling out of bed while Kaycee rolled over.

Chase got up and walked out of their room and right to their little Addie's room.

"Addibug, what's going on?" He asked as he carefully took the small baby out of her crib. He changed her diaper real quick before he sat in the rocking chair and tried to get her back to sleep.

They'd recently cut off the nighttime bottles and she was doing well for a while but started waking up again as she craved comfort from her parents.

"You need to sleep baby," he sighed, rocking her back and forth until she was sound asleep again. He carefully set her back down in her crib before he went back to bed and snuggled back up with Kaycee.

The alarms started blaring at 6 am, making both of the tired parents groan.

"We can get subs," Kaycee mumbled, laying her head on Chase's chest as they contemplated if they needed a job that day.

"Don't you have a test to give today?" He asked as he played with her hair.

"We can get subs," she smiled a little, joking obviously as she got up and got into their closet. "Addie sleeping?"

"Mhm, I'm gonna go shower. Will you make coffee?"

"Can I survive a day without it?" She asked, both of them going their separate ways.

They were both high school teachers and both loved every minute of it. Chase taught 11th-grade History while Kaycee taught 11th-grade English. They were both the teachers that didn't give out any homework unless their classwork wasn't finished.

Chase coached boy's varsity baseball and took the team to state the previous year. Kaycee coached the girls' Varsity volleyball team and had yet to take them to state. They got close every year but they hadn't won enough to actually get there.

As soon as they were both ready, Addie was put in Kaycee's car and they were both off to work.

Kaycee pulled up to the big daycare center, grabbing Adeline's daycare bag before getting her car seat out and carrying her inside.

Once she was in the room, she carefully removed Adeline from her seat and held her for a moment.

"How are we doing this morning?" Her teacher, Jenna, asked as she smiled.

"Good," Kaycee smiled, "She was up a few times last night so if she takes an extra nap or 2 that's fine,"

"Sounds good," Jenna nodded, writing down on her daily sheet that Adeline had had a rough night and could sleep a little extra.

"Alright. Mommy's gotta get to work," she sighed, kissing her little head before she handed her over to her teacher.

Kaycee then left the car seat in the hallway where a few other ones were and headed back out to her car. She drove to work and went to the junior wing of the school.

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