Chapter II - Dissapointments and Heart Breaking sayings

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(this is the full part of the chapter.. unlike the chapterI)

Part I- This Time.. It Hurts a lot For Me

Never knew it was just a foolish thing. It was December 2012 when i've knew that Jason has a crush on my bestfriend. Since that day, my world became struggled and awful. I unfriended him 'coz i know it would be more painful for me if we're friends. For me bestfriend was plastic. She was too foolish. She looks like a HIPPO when she laughs. I thought she was my TRUE FRIEND. She made me stupid in front of his feelings. She embarassed all my feelings for Jason. She's perfect to be an HIPPO. And she's truly perfect to live at her home sweet home (ZOO). She broke her promise. She promised that she will help me with Jason. She keeps on saying " I'm SHY.".

Part II - Promise are made to be broken. ( The BestFriends part)

Broken promises made me cry because it is not just a favor, it is an important favor. When it is the first time Frances broke a promise, it is okay for me. But for the next time, it could be painful for me to leave her alone. After a week that she broke a promise, she broke one again. It is the last promise that i've tell her. And because of that, our friendship turns into "JUST FRIENDS". It wasn't easy for me that our friendship will turn into JUST FRIENDS rank. I'm embarassed when sometimes i'm walking with her at the hallway. She laughs loud and our teacher in a major subject thought that it was me. I'm irritated with her NOSE, her LAUGH and specially her HAIR.

It was a Monday Afternoon...

" We are never ever ever getting back together!" Jasmine is singing

" Can you please stop singing! It can cause me an head ache!" Frances shouted.

" Why are you embarrased when you're with me?! Tell me!" Jasmine shouted and began mad.

" Because you're the one who makes my life horrible and mysterious! Are you happy?!" Frances shouted.

" I'm not yet happy! You know why, because you are embarassed everytime your with me! Don't you know that you're embarassing me! I'm always praying to God that we aren't bestfriends!" Jasmine shouted and crying.

" You're not yet finished! Do you wanted me or Beatriz?! Tell me!" Frances shouted and turned red.

" Beatriz! You wanna know why?! Because you broke our 2 promises right! For you its just a small favor! Don't you know that for bestfriends, promises are very important! I thought you are the kindest friend i've ever met. But i'm wrong! I've made myself stupid!" Jasmine shouted.

While Jasmine is saying and shouting all of she wanted to say, Frances walked out. She was deciding if she would say sorry but she didn't. She thought she was higher than Jasmine. She was wrong that she agrued with Jasmine. She thought it was Jasmine's fault.

Since the day that they argued, they didn't speak at each other for more than one month. Jasmine planned a wonderful day for both of them especially for Frances.

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