Chapter 1
"There it is. Right here. Stand. Look at this. I have never seen anything like this. So beautiful, so amazing that it makes me want to feel once more. The breeze, the city, this view, I wish I had come here sooner with you, I couldn't believe you when you told me that there are things that I have not yet seen and things that I have not yet done. I Thought that after that incident, I had done it all. I had completed my life. It's sort of funny, funny for me to think that the full stop in my life was you but, you were just a comma. For life to have meaning, there has to be the good times and the bad. I feel like I can stay here forever and truly, I can. For not even God can stop me from looking at this. This... I cannot find a flaw in this view before me. There are always going to be 'if' and 'maybe' in my life but, as long as I have someone like you by my side, even darkness seems pleasant to walk in, you are the light that I was searching all my life. Don't ever leave me please, I cannot exist without you. I part of me dies when you say you will leave."
Chapter 2
Hello, this is Phil, Phil Cassidy. He is an ordinary working man, life for him is simply wake up, work, eat outside, maybe go out with his colleagues and come back home to sleep. A routine, a never ending cycle, he had grown quite used to this, it was his comfort, he liked life this way, never changing. What appears boring to you isn't boring to him, to him, if something was to suddenly change and a new event would take place, he would be stressed, Phil only finds excitement through the games he plays, he dedicates an hour or so during his free time to make sure he plays his game to feel some sort of happiness. Everything in his life seems to be planned, "It's nice to have a plan." Phil would tl his colleagues, "Without a plan, life wouldn't have structure and would be a chaos. You wouldn't have a peace of mind without having a plan. You can try and try to tell yourself that you are happy staying and doing things on the go but, deep down you yourself will know that if you had planned and event, it would be all the more fun or all the more exciting because of the outcome it would bring." Phil concludes. "Sounds interesting to me Phil, looks like you're on to something. But hey man, you can live life planned and everything but, it wouldn't do you good to have everything planned, some surprises should be there, you know for the occasional random fun and excitement." His colleagues would tell him. "I guess it's perspective that matters." And he would take a sip of the brandy and his colleagues would nod in acceptance.
Phil would walk home, he had managed to get his job very close to his house, making traveling less of a headache. One day, it was his friend's birthday, so he had a little to much to drink because his friends kept instigating that he should drink more, his friends even asked him whether they can drop him home but he told them that he would walk home and that they should continue celebrating. While walking home he suddenly heard something behind him, he turned around. There was nothing, he continued walking and there was another sound of an object falling on the ground, he turned behind and found a book, it was titled "How to Kill Yourself." But it didn't seem of intrest to him so he threw it in the nearby garbage disposal.
"I'm shocked. I thought the book only went after people that want to kill themselves."
"I thought so too. Maybe it made an error for the first time. Looks like the devil is slipping."
"I guess, he just casually threw it away. No curiosity or nothing. First time I've seen something like this."
"I want to see more of this guy."
"Even me. A guy who has the mentality to defy death itself must be a guy with an intresting story to tell."
"Let's continue to watch."
Chapter 3
Phil woke up the next day, without a memory of what had happened last night, he tried to recall but, gave up after a few seconds. He continued with his daily routine and got ready to go to work. When he was walking to his office, he saw a dusty black book lying on the ground. He ignored it and continued to walk. He felt like as if someone was staring at him, some unknown entity.

Short StoryPhil Cassidy is a ordinary person, living a peaceful and normal life until one day he meets Mara, a woman who changes his world but, is it for the better or worse?