Chapter 14

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The doors to the throne room opened and Fern was holding onto Aemond for dear life

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The doors to the throne room opened and Fern was holding onto Aemond for dear life. His back was straight, the posture of a prince. And he perfectly distanced himself from her, showcasing his look of disapproval... But he never let go. She felt his hand softly run over hers.
She tried to keep her head up, tried to keep herself calm, as they walked through the throne room past every lord and lady loyal to the new King.
And past all of them, sat alone upon the iron throne wearing the iron and ruby crown of his namesake... There was Aegon.
She seemed to relax a little the moment she saw him, a small smile forming on her lips. Aemond looked down just in time to see it... And something in his chest twisted.
He kept his gaze centred forwards after that, and moved his hand away from hers.
Fern didn't walk with the poised elegance of a lady. She would never be mistaken for a noblewoman. But what she lacked in propriety, she made up for in personality.
Every step had a little bounce in it, almost like she was skipping. And her hips swung as she walked, drawing every lord's attention immediately.
Aemond didn't know why but it annoyed him... The way they looked at her... Like she was an object to be used. A piece of meat.
But, of course, they didn't know everything he knew about her. He doubted even Aegon did.
“I see why she's his favourite.” One of the men muttered to another. Fern sighed deeply, trying to pretend she didn't hear it.
There was something the Prince rather enjoyed about how her grip on his arm tightened a little.
As they reached the steps up to the iron throne, Fern did a deep, dramatic, curtsey.
Aegon had been glaring sullenly for hours since Meleys and Rhaenys had interrupted his coronation... But now... He couldn't help but grin at her.
His childhood friend. His companion. His Fern.
She always knew how to make him smile. It was a power she had. A power she wielded with the utmost care.
Fern bit her lip as she looked up at him.
Gods, he cut an imposing figure. Dressed in black. A crown on his head. Sat lazily on his throne with that devious grin of his.
“Fern.” He greeted, waving his hand for her to rise.
She smiled. “My King.”
The words felt so strange to hear. Strange for both of them.
All these years of plotting their escapes and yet here they were... Destiny had caught them both.
Fern had not been able to hide from the hand life had dealt her and neither had Aegon.
“Come here.” He said.
She looked around the room in surprise, not really sure what to do. Her gaze met Aemond's for a moment and his expression was unreadable... Stone cold. She took a deep breath, looked away, and did as Aegon said. He grinned as she made her way up the steps and then finally parted a spot on his lap.
She raised a brow at him.
“Go on.”
Fern huffed but did as she was told. He was king now after all. Who was she to argue? Especially in front of his entire court.
Women gasped as she took a seat on his lap. Aemond looked away, down towards the floor with a clenched jaw.
“Are you alright?” She whispered gently to him.
“I'm fine.” He lied. “Are you?”
She smiled softly, kissing his cheek. “I started the day with the world's most egregious hangover and ended it sat on the King's lap.”
Aegon grinned, wrapping his arm around her place. “If I must suffer this, you must too. We can call it payback for when I helped you.”
She laughed a little. “From what I remember of that evening, you enjoyed yourself too.”
“True, true. So I'll have to ensure that you enjoy this.” He smirked, slowly running a hand up her leg.
She bit her lip gently tugging at his shirt as his hand moved up her thigh.
“You fiend.” She whispered, kissing him. He smiled against her lips. “You look incredible, have I told you that? Who knew you could clean up so well?”
Aegon mocked a look of offence. “Did you not always think I looked good? Oh, my heart!”
She laughed again, shaking her head. “I hate you.”
“You hate me...” He reminded teasingly.
“I hate you, Your Grace.”
“That's alright. I don't bring you here to find me funny.”
She scoffed, but she couldn't stop smiling at him. She wanted to touch his crown, wanted to know what if felt like atop his head. But she didn't dare reach up and feel it.
Aegon's hand went under her skirt, slipping between her legs, and Fern moaned.
From down at the bottom of the steps, stood with the rest of his family, Aemond's fists clenched at his sides at the display.
Not just because Queen Helaena was beside him, looking away from her husband and his whore... But because of Fern.
She was a whore. He knew that. He knew she'd been in more exposed positions than this for just as many men to see.
But that didn't make it any better. It didn't mean he liked it.
The King slid a finger into her and Fern clinged to him desperately.
He grinned before looking down at all the Lords and Ladies with slight disdain. His gaze met Aemond's.
There was a fire in his little brother's eye. A dutiful, honourable, fire.
In truth, Aegon didn't want his brother to hate him like he did. He enjoyed teasing him, he enjoyed annoying him... But he didn't enjoy the way Aemond looked at him. With hate. With anger.
Perhaps one day he could earn back his brother's love. If it was ever there to begin with.
“Leave us. You're all dismissed.” Aegon declared, shocking everyone.
They lingered for a moment. It was the day of his coronation. And they'd not even discussed the attack by Rhaenys. But Aegon didn't care.
“I said leave!”
The lords and ladies scurried away. His family stayed for a moment.
“Aegon...” His mother tried before Otto Hightower put a hand on her shoulder and guided her away.
Aegon gulped when he heard his mother... When he saw that look of disappointment on her face. He stilled for a moment.
And then the doors closed.
They were alone.
“Aegon, are you–” Before she could finish her words, he'd picked her up and sat her on the throne.
Fern gasped.
He lifted her legs, undoing his belt. And, quickly, without any warning, he pushed into her.
They both moaned.
The King gripped the back of the throne.
“No more talking.” He whispered to her, taking a shaky breath.
She rolled her hips against him, making him release a soft groan. “No more talking.”
Aemond was just outside the throne room discussing plans with his grandfather when they heard Fern's moans from inside. Desperate. Rough. Filled with desire.
He hated the way it carved through his chest like a blade.
And so he left.
The afternoon was spent training with the sword, desperately trying to get Fern Waters and his brother out of his mind. But it was very little use.
He couldn't stop thinking about her.

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