Chapter 73

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I wake up and shove my face into the pillow. I'm so comfortable, mornings like these make it so hard to get out of bed. I groan, rolling onto my back and staring up at the ceiling. "Good morning," Morgan says softly. I smile and look to my left.

"No," I jokingly complain, pulling the covers over my head. Morgan chuckles and shifts in the bed.


"How long have you been waiting for me to wake up?" I ask with a small smile. He pulls on the covers so my face isn't covered.

"I woke up to you moving."

"Sorry," I lose my smile. "I must wake you up a lot then."

"You're a restless sleeper, but it's alright, you know I don't need to sleep."

"I know, I know. But I still feel bad." He nods. "Do you have any plans today?" I ask.

"None. Did you have something in mind?"

"No," I shake my head. "How about a day late Christmas present? Since I owe you." Morgan smiles and rolls his eyes. I wonder if he picked that up from me.

"How about we start with breakfast and a shower?"

"Fine, fine. But I'll have to stop by my place to change."

"That's alright, we can still shower," he smiles.

"We?" I show a smile of my own but it's out of slight disbelief. Morgan nods. "You take a girl's shirt off once and now you want to shower with her," I tease.

"I even got you in my bed," he teases back.

"I'll shower at my place so I don't have to put dirty clothes back on, but thank you for the offer." He nods again, getting up. I watch him head into another room, the bathroom, but he stops and backs up to the doorway,

"Feel free to join if you change your mind." I throw a pillow at him and shake my head.

After a good five to ten minutes, Morgan's out of the shower and coming into the bedroom again. "You better not be asleep," he calls to me.

"I'm not," I mumble from under the covers. I hear him laugh to himself and pull the covers down. "Are you always so comfortable?"

"What do you mean?" Morgan asks. He's currently in only a towel.

"I don't know. Would you walk around naked in front of anyone, or are you just comfortable around me because I don't see you for sex?" I cock my head to the side and keep my eyebrows raised and hide a smile. He keeps his smile.

"Do you think people see me only for sex?"

"No, I don't mean that. Just, if I was walking around like that you wouldn't keep your mouth shut, so why are you so comfortable around me? Are you just like this or is it because it's me?" He pauses and thinks for a moment. "Never mind, sorry I said anything."

"Don't apologise. I am confident, and I am comfortable around you. Are you not comfortable around me because you think I would sexualize you?" I'm not really sure how to respond, so I just look at him. He sighs. "I'm sorry I gave you that impression."

"No, Morgan," I give him some pity. He opens a dresser and pulls some clothes out. "You don't give me that impression. Women are just sexualized so much all the time and I'm also in a place where I don't think I would be but I also know people like people like me and would sexualize me."

"People like you?"

"Bigger girls, bigger people. You either find bigger people gross or appealing and there's no in between. I'm worried about both."

"Do you know how many bodies I've seen in my life? And I don't mean just in a sexual setting, just in general. I don't care what your body looks like without clothes, and it's stupid that people do." I nod in agreement. "You don't have to walk around half naked in front of me, but I'm comfortable enough to, so I will."

"It's your own house, you can walk around however you like." Morgan heads into the bathroom, still talking with me.

"Don't ignore what I said, I mean it, I don't care what you look like." I lay back down, shoving my face into a pillow. I'm probably bright red. As glad as I am that he doesn't care, it seems like I forced him to admit it, like it should be without saying. It's quiet for a moment before I hear Morgan clear his throat. I look to my right and see him beside me. "Are you coming to eat?"

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