Only mine 🔞

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Genre: fluff, angst with a slight smut

Tw: poisoning

Enjoy it ;)

Please read the notes at the end


"Hyun yeaaah~. Go faster baby" The blonde moaned, arching his back in the process. His nails pressed deep into the red skin, leaving long, visible marks behind.

Hyunjin pushed his dick further, panting exhuastedly as he pounded inside the wet hole, hands roaming around admirably the petite body beneath him.

"Ah, ah, AH FUCK, YES! YES!" Shouted the blonde, feeling his prostate getting hit cuntinously by the hot male. His eyes rolled back as drool dripped down on the corner of his mouth.

It felt like heaven. The male pounded into him with desperation and passion. That was everything the boy wanted right now even though it was wrong on many levels.

"I-I'm going to cum" Groaned the male as he announced with exhuastion, his pace quickening.
Sweat droplets rolled down on his body, his hands grabbing onto the snitched waist as he attentively focused on pleasuring the boy. The skin slapping sound was loud and almost afraidable as it echoed trough the empty hall.

With a final thrust, the male came deep inside the hole, emptying his hot seemen into the dazed out boy.

"Shit this was good" noted the blonde haired with a small smirk perking up on his face.
He didn't hesitated much before he swung around, facing the handsome male in front.
His arms tangled around the taller's neck and the boy tip toed, leaning in for a short, quick kiss.

Hyunjin smiled, placing his large hands onto the slim waist, caressing it up and down in a tender manner.

"You are so perfect" he whispered against the boy's plush lips, feeling an urge to slam his right back onto them soft, cherry pillows. But he know he had to be in control as they've been here for an hour, fucking unstopabbly as they both couldn't held back their flaming desires for each other.

The boy must've been tired as he could feel his legs slightly tremble in his hold.
No wonder though. They went for two rounds.

They were not ashamed of their actions but deep inside they knew it was badly wrong.

Hyunjin was a prince who is about to be getting married. And on top of that the ceremony of the celebration supposed to happen today.

A few hours away more precisely.

But how could he stop himself when a petite blonde, with long hair, doe eyes and an incredible smile entered his room.

Hyunjin always had his hots for the freckled maid. They been knowing each other for 5 years now. Since then, the young prince couldn't keep his eyes off from the gorgeous blonde, who worked so diligently around the castle.
However for a long period of time, he was barely able to make a move, especially because he was scared.

Hyunjin was afraid but not because of his reputation or the tipical, dumb reason where it's an awkward and bad thing for a prince to be with someone lower rank than him.

More like he was afraid of his own father. The old man was one of a kind crazy creature who punished people for the most subtle and most useless things to a human kind ever. Several maids, guards and servants were punished and dismissed in the past few years for barely anything.

In this case Hyunjin was more scared for the boy rather than himself. In this world a relationship between the same gender weren't really an acceptable thing. The citizens didn't do anything though if they found someone having a relationship with the same gender but his father...

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