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Day 1

Izuku woke up and got dressed for the morning his mother was asked to go get the mail so he did

He walked down the stairs of the apartment as he went to the Mail room to get his mail as it wasn't anything with his name intel the last one it has his name but no return address he didn't think much of it as he went back to his apartment and give most of the mail to his mother she said thanks

He went to his room opening the letter and saw it was a handwritten letter

Note was so uncomfortable so unsettling for him it felt like a death later and he was going to die but that was not the worst part it was form a so called secret admirer

Izuku felt uncomfortable with this as he went to his desk placing the letter on the desk and went to his bed thinking when he sat up looking at the ceiling he didn't feel good about this maybe they got a different Izuku Midroya yeah that must be it

We go to outside the apartment with a girl in all black with her was a sniper rifle she was looking though the scope as she made a bang sound on Izuku head easy target she laughed as she twisted on a attempt to her rifle and loud the chamber she looked at her real target as she shoot the target

She went down quickly as she just shot a sleeping agent so they should be out for a few hours she disable rifle as she ran down she open the door and got a little lost for a moment then she found the body she put on a jacket and sweat pants and put on a medicinal mask

She put the body over her shoulder when people asked what happened to him she would say his quirk makes it so has to sleep at awkward Times

She got to her house as her parents are at their second house testing her how well can she handle her own

She got to her basement she walked down and laid the body against the wall she covered his hands in full hand restraints and lowered the temperature to really cold

She went up locking the door and she went to her room she began to get ready for tomorrow

Day 2

Izuku woke up not feeling like he is not being watched anymore he walked to the living room and get ready for school he put on a hoody with his uniform as it was getting cold he grabbed his backpack and told his mom he loved her

He was walking and he slowly made his way to school he didn't feel right he looked behind him and walked up to the wall and........ nothing he went back on his way checking any hidden spots he could find but nothing each time

He got to the gate of the school thinking he will be bullied again he walked into the school nothing how............. Empty it was it was so unnatural as he went to the main office to asked what was happening

Apparently a few kids been going missing and not many parents have been comfortable bringing their kids to school so they are doing online schooling for the rest of the year but a few kids still are coming to school

He went to his class and saw no one even the teacher he saw on the board they can do whatever for all classes and make good grades they stopped caring/ wouldn't that be nice

As he opened his note book and began to draw his crash and himself but he erased it because he thought it was creepy when he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned around to see his friend

Izuku: o-oh Mina how are you

Mina smile: am really good / she grabs his body and saw the rough outline of the girl and she knew who it is so her smile disappeared intel he grabbed his book back

Izuku: what do you want Mina

Mina: oh nothing just wanted to hang out but I see that you have other things on your mind

Izuku: no no I want to hang out just not really trusting thing behind my back lately

Izuku and Mina talked and talked about games comics manga anime heroes

As they stayed in the class she grabbed her lunch and noticed him eyeing down her food

Mina: what some?

Izuku: I couldn't

Mina: well if you want to only eat spicy chicken sandwich pickles on all/ that what I have at my school

Izuku doesn't like spicy food so he agrees when he tries to grab it his hand was smack away

Mina: my food my hands only

Izuku: so I can't have any?

Mina: no you can just it my food so only my hands can touch it

Izuku blush at the thought of being fed by his friend as she hold her food up to his face she told him to say ahhh

He did as he took a bite and chew and swallowed he thanks her and she said it was ok

So near the end of the day they walked away from each other and they said goodbye
I hope you enjoy

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