Chapter Six, Part One - No New Friends

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A trailer park was the last place I expected Tidus to bring me. It was a neglected, dump of a neighborhood. Most of the trailers were ramshackle, covered in chipped paint, with broken, boarded-up windows. But the trailer Tidus parked in front of was different - quite different.

An unstable fence surrounded the small, neat property of an equally small trailer. Two windows were lit, and covered by privacy blinds. I exited Tidus' car, instantly weary when I spied a figure moving in the shadows of the small trailer's deck.

"Oh Claudia," called Tidus. "I've brought you a gift."

The figure shifted into the moonlight. "Well, it's about time," said the girl. Her tone was light-hearted but there was a strong sense of sense of gravity about her. Her large, gray eyes held a haunted, flat quality that I easily identified with. She had long, brown hair twisted and dreaded in some places, jean shorts, flip-flops, an artfully-torn t-shirt, and a gold hoop in her nose. Honestly, she reminded me of myself - an outside reflection of the girl I used to be.

"I'm -"

"Naomi Noble. Yeah, I know who you are," she said stiffly. Ignoring my outstretched hand, she turned her attention back to Tidus. "Ti, you really think it's a good idea bringing her here? I thought you said you were gonna take care of her."

"But I did take care of her. I brought her to you."

"What more do you want me to do?" she demanded. "I already told you what I saw - and you know I'm never wrong. She fucking did it."

"Uh, hello?" They both looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. "Yeah, still here. Look, Claudia, sorry but you're wrong. I don't wanna kill Tidus - I barely even know him."

"Is she for serious?" said Claudia.

Tidus smirked. "You tell me."

"You made a mistake," I said to Claudia. "I can guarantee it."

"Oh really?" Claudia folded her arms. "And how are you gonna do that, Wolf?"

The small hairs along the nape of my neck bristled with anger. But I steeled myself because of the three I was the one at a disadvantage. It wouldn't do any good to square off in a pissing contest with Claudia - especially not in front of Tidus. No, if I wanted to win this battle (and stay alive) I would have to do it the smart way.

"Look, Witch, just tell me what I need to do to in order to fix this."

"Fine, we'll talk inside," Claudia replied. "But first, I'll need a little insurance." From her back pocket she withdrew a thin, capped syringe filled with a clear liquid that sparkled flashes of silver.

"What the hell is that?" I restrained myself from taking a step backwards.

Claudia gave a proud smirk. "A saline solution with silver shavings - made it myself. It's for you."

"Wow, you really are out of your mind. I'm not gonna let you inject me with that - are you nuts?"

"Naomi..." Claudia's voice was sugar sweet. "Let's take into consideration the fact that I'm the only person keeping Tidus from ripping out your guts through your bellybutton. So if you like your insides where they currently are, I suggest you play by my rules. Or not..." She shot Tidus a meaningful look and at once I sensed the danger.

"All right. Fine." I forced a smile, rolled up my sleeve, and offered my left arm.

"Good choice." Claudia removed the syringe's cap and released a small jet of the liquid. She took my wrist in her hand and broke skin with the needle. She pressed the release and immediately my arm was on fire. A horrible burning sensation started at the injection sight and then began to radiate outwards, spreading through the rest of my body.

"Don't worry." Claudia let go of my arm. "It's like glitter, you'll piss it out in a day or so-no harm done."

"Yeah. Sure." The pain doubled as I wiped the sweat that had broken across my forehead.

"Claudia, give us a minute?" said Tidus.

She headed towards the front door of her trailer. "Sure, I'll be inside."

"She's charming," I said, once the Witch was out of earshot. "But I'm pretty sure I've met cacti that were friendlier."

"She's my friend, Naomi. Can you blame her?"

I didn't answer. What could I say? He was right. Claudia knew Tidus much better and for far longer. In reality I had no right expecting anything from her.

"Prove her wrong, Naomi. Show me that I can trust you." Tidus began to walk towards the porch.

"Why?" I called back. "What if I don't want your trust?"

He didn't bother turning around. "Would you be here if you didn't?"

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