A Terrible, Terrible Fate

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"Tell me, Were they still writhing in your hands?" Alice had begun to say "Bring them to me! I don't  like to wait.." 

You panted in the elevator, chest rising back and forth as it sounded like your heart was about to jump out. Luckily it didn't take long to get to Alice, only one floor later and a few steps you made it to her front door. Holding onto the ax, you were soon given a Gent. Pipe that was similar to yours from before. 

A sigh rumbled throughout the intercom system as Alice started again. "It seems we've reached the end of my to-do list, my little errand runner." You internally sighed at the realization, no more work and  you were going to get to go home. "I hope you enjoyed our time together.." The angel on the other side of the door sullenly spoke, as if she didn't want to let you go yet.

"But I'll always treasure it.." She reassured before continuing. "Return to the lift. It's time to go home." The familiar ding of the elevator rung, signifying that this was indeed real and that you were actually going to go home!

Without hesitation you started toward the elevator, halfway up the stairs you remembered the ink spot where the ax you held currently came from. Rushing down, you crouch down to place the ax. As soon as your hand went near the puddle, a inky hand came up to grasp your own. 

It's fingers interlocking with your own. The warmth of your hands were reciprocated with its own, as if the heat of your hand was being absorbed into it. The digits held a firm yet tranquil feeling to them. Of course, the hand popping out of the ink caused a small yelp to emit from your throat. 

The yelp only causing the hand to grip itself tighter, to not let you go so soon. 

Ultimately confused by the interaction, you didn't know what to do. So far it hasn't done anything but hold your hand and unbeknownst to you, the hand was getting slightly warmer. Only deciding to kneel instead of crouch to be in a more comfortable position. The hand was surprising not wet like you'd thought it would be considering this creature was made of it, rather it reminded you of some one else..

At the realization, you hesitantly gave the hand a small kiss as a goodbye (assuming that the figure cannot hear you). You retracted your own before replacing it with the ax's handle, as you did this the person's hand started to search frantically for your's. When it felt the ax's handle, it's movements had ceased. The digits had gripped the handle aggressively before taking it's leave, the hand sinking back into the puddle along with the weapon.

After returning the weapon, you had took your newfound pipe in hand and took the steps back into the elevator. Hoping that this would be the last time you would have to take it. 

As you shifted your footing in the elevator and had noticed that the elevator started on its own instead of you pushing the button like you normally would. Somehow getting a feeling of doubt, surely Alice Angel wouldn't bring you somewhere dangerous? Would she? 

You stopped your intrusive thoughts, no need to create unnecessary panic when nothing has happened. 

"Have you ever wondered what Heaven is like?" Alice asked with a curious tone. "I like to imagine it's quite beautiful." She added before continuing her sentence "A soft valley of green grass, blanketed by a warm sun.." Speaking with a tone of admiration before transitioning into one of melancholy, "I don't think I'll ever get to see it.." Your lips down-turned at the ink lady's dismay, you don't know what she did to deserve this.

"Are you ready to ascend my little errand runner?  The Heavens are waiting.." Her tone so sad and brooding that it made you think of the possibilities of what she had done, perhaps she tried to hard to be like Alice Angel that the woman you that you formally knew as Susie Campbell was castes down into this deep dark abyss.

Sitting in silence as the elevator went up, and up, and up you heard a strange noise come from the intercom system. A giggle

She was laughing. Starting from sweet in nature to one of a psychopaths, harsh and evil. Her voice twisting cruelly as she continued. You were now sure that the doubt from before was this, warning you that you should have never accepted her proposal. 

As soon as the angel started speaking the elevator started to stop and then began to drop at hurling speeds, as if you were on a roller coaster that had already dropped. 

"Did you really think that you could steal from me?!," She growled "Did you really think I'd would just let you go!?" 

You felt to the floor due to the gravity held on the elevator, promptly causing to drop the pipe you held as you braced yourself on the floor. Fear and Anxiety welled in your chest like a constant pack of snakes moving on top of each other.

"No Y/N! I know who you are, and I know why you're here!" You panicked at her saying your name, as if you were to blame at the whole reason why everyone was stuck down in the inky hell. "And you will not stop what needs to be done!" 

"Now come down and surrender yourself  to me!!" 

"You're the most perfect creature here that I've ever seen.. And I want you-!" She erupted, both the thought of her wanting you and taking you for some deed terrified and confused you. She had never shown interest for you besides friendship wise, always being her friend for advice and what to do. 

"I need you-" 

"I need your insides.. so I can beautiful again! Don't you understand?" Susie explained as beads of sweat trickled down your face, the pure terror and shock squeezing you like a strong fist. The sparks off the elevator as its hinges were totally ignored landed on you occasionally, causing small burns on your arms whenever they did. 

"Don't you get it?! GIVE YOURSELF TO ME!" Her voice demanding as the elevator's speed was overwhelming. This whole situation was overwhelming. "Or better yet, I'll take you for myself!" She suggested, causing your stomach to squeeze in on itself. Feeling too sick to even react. 

"Once.. you're.. DEAD!!" 

Her scream echoed in your brain as the elevator when further down and down and down. Getting fast as you felt your pipe start to levitate up, quickly grabbing it as you tried to lay flat. Maybe you'll be okay, hopefully you would be okay.. 

The orange colors of the sparks and the speed of the elevator mixing together to make you feel awful, as if you would throw up. 

You were panicking when suddenly everything turned black. The elevator had stopped. 

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