The Gloom

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Author's PoV
Time 9 pm
Location Mental Asylum

Author's PoVTime 9 pmLocation Mental Asylum

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Keep them open! I need the air.

It's too foggy today!

God knows why the government makes hospitals in such lonely places...

We both know doc...

I guess... But it's... It's just-- hmm...

Namjoon had just finished his duty as he was about to leave till a nurse handed him a board with a sheet, informing him about the patients he was assigned to look at

Is this the entire list? I mean... Over the next 3 weeks?

Yes doctor...

This kid... How many years has he been here? 2? 2 years right?

Yes Doctor...

I'm worried.... His PTSD is...Its not working... He's got worse... Now he's got insomnia as well. He's barely able to talk. He behaves like a mad man now... This place got him I guess...
At this rate he will end up with Dementia... We both know the risks... Any guardians or family members contacted him over the time?

No sir. He is the only survivor... That bus had totally toppled over...

Remind me he was thrown out of the window right?

Yes. His mother had pushed him off. He had a glass shard attached to his collar bone, flesh completely torn. When he came to the asylum, the hospital had mended him but nonetheless it took him over 3 months to heal up.

Can't believe the kid has been here for over 2 years and no one has called yet... People forgot him or what? Didn't the authorities try? They did tell me they did not but I--

Yes. Yes they did...

Oh they did...

Wait.. Wait wait wait wait!!
I didn't know about this...Why wasn't I informed?

Sir you came later. It was just for a week. They said he had been screaming at the top of his voice every night. Dropped his entire food everywhere, threw off plates and even scratched up his own face... so his father brought him back here. The director didn't want any more troubles. He had attacked his last doctor too and since he was already showing all the same kind of symptoms here as well, we were told not to mention anything to you...

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