Something Priceless

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Mahi's bihari accent is the most endearing one I have ever heard. Or maybe I am just a bit too soft on him. But seriously, his soft nature and way of talking makes it cute like yeah sunshine man I completely understand Sakshi going cutieee to him. I am hyderabadi originally, some of the older families generally tend to use "hum" instead of "main", so I have heard many "hum" but I swear nobody says "hum" that cute except him.


The fog like state of his mind was clearing little by little throughout the day, that fall courtesy of Yuvi perhaps shocking him a little into the real world. By dinner he was way more aware of his surroundings though he couldn't bring himself to engage with anyone at all. Yuvi was stuck to him like a leech and was steering off other boys who were by now making misguided attempts at making his mood better. Sonu was offering to play video games with him, Zak was trying to tempt him into sneaking out and Bhajji was quite tactlessly trying to provoke him. Smoothly Yuvi had interrupted or diverted all of them. Mahi felt a surge of gratefulness and guilt pierce through the complete static that had been protecting him all day. It was like somebody had shifted the volume from 0 to 100 in a millisecond. Everything became extremely loud, vibrant, blindingly bright and crowded. To his horror, he suddenly felt like crying. Crying he was not going to be able to hold in.

Panicking slightly, he looked around quickly, trying to find a way to escape without alerting anyone. Yuvi squeezed his hand and leaned slightly over.

"Go, I will cover," he whispered and without wasting a second he tipped over Bhajji's glass, who had been taking a sip. The chaos effect was instant, Bhajji immediately flung somebody else's water on Yuvi, the boys started laughing uproariously while Dada yelled at all of them. In the midst of it all, Mahi quickly disappeared. The tears started falling in the elevator only. And they fell endlessly. He had no idea why he was crying. He didn't know what could have possibly prompted it out of nowhere in the middle of dinner. Just that everything hurt suddenly. He buried his face in his pillow, trying to stem the flow and muffle his sobs. If Dada or anybody came up, he didn't want to be walked in on crying. It wasn't fair on them. First he was giving all of them stress by not speaking. Dada, Bhai and Sachin Pajji were openly worrying over him. Yuvi was making excuses and covering for him. All of them had better things to do then look after a complete fucking disaster. And now he was crying like an idiot without knowing why. All that effort wasted on somebody who couldn't figure out his own problems.

It took some time but eventually he was able to force himself to stop sobbing pathetically, though he didn't quite manage to stop the tears. Those flowed freely without his permission. Sleep eventually overtook him, exhausted body and mind not giving it much of a fight. These days, he preferred the land of dreams to reality anyway.


The wind ruffled through his hair, making a mess out of them. He scowled in frustration and tried shoving them back. A tinkling laugh echoed from behind him. He turned around. It was Pri, standing a little distance from him. They were at one of her favorite spots in Delhi near her college. It was a pretty picturesque place, well maintained little gardens on either side of the road, plenty of trees to make the area look vibrant and alive even at the deadest of nights. Something about the way they swayed with the slightest of breezes and covered the road in yellow leaves, making it ideal for strolls at any time of the day.

"I will cut them off if you laugh at me," he threatened an exasperated smile on his face.

Pri giggled, "Aww don't be like that,". She walked over to him running her hand through his hair, " You know I love them".

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