"We found the attacker" Yuzuru heard on the other side of the line and stood up immediately to the confusion of Alex, who was in the room as well.
"It's her ex... Nyck. DNA matches." Yuzuru saw red, he wanted to find the man and strangle him with his own hands. Hadn't this idiot done enough damage to her life already?
"Do you know where he is?"
"No. We are looking."
"Let me know when you do. I want to see his face."
"Yes, sir."
Yuzuru wanted to leave and find the bastard himself, but Alex's sudden excitement made his focus shift.
"She squeezed my hand! Yuzuru, I felt it!"
Yuzu was by her side in seconds and asked Alex to call a doctor before he grabbed both of her hands and called her name.
"Mia... My angel... Mia"
"Humm?" She uttered softly before her eyes slowly opened. "Yuzu?"
"Mia... Welcome back." He said with tears falling from his face, only to be shocked as she sat abruptly with an alarmed face.
"Alex!" She almost screamed.
"Mia, calm down."
"Alex... I... Alex!"
"He's okay."
"I need to see him"
"He just went to get a doctor. He is okay, angel."
"He's here?"
"Yeah. He's okay."
Mia seemed to calm down when Yuzuru reassured her of Alex's safety, but she still looked uncertain as her eyes traveled to the entrance of the room.
"Nyck... He..."
"They are looking for him. We will get him." Yuzuru tried to reassure her once again, pissed that Mia remembered the bastard. He almost just wished that she didn't remember anything.
"He said he wanted to meet Alex... That he would be back."
Mia looked scared, her body trembled uncontrollably and Yuzu had no idea what to do besides attempt to reassure her."I have a security team on us, love. Please calm down, he won't get anywhere near any of you again. I will make sure of it."
Alex entered the room at that moment and Yuzuru heard the gasp of relief that left her. He could tell how scared she was and promised himself that he would never take any of their safety for granted.
The boy hugged his mother and she cried on his shoulder.
"You're safe." She kept on mumbling against his shoulder. Alex looked confused but just went along with it, just happy that she was awake.
"I'm okay, mommy. I'm okay."
"My boy..."
The doctor examined her slowly and Yuzuru could tell that she was exhausted. It didn't surprise him, not with how scared and concerned she looked before Alex was in the room.
Most of her energy was drained immediately after she woke up and even if he was a bit afraid of her falling asleep again, he knew she needed the rest."Hanyu-san, a word?"
"Sure... Alex, you will stay with your mom? It shouldn't take too long."
"Of course..."
Yuzuru went with the doctor and was glad to hear that everything seemed to be fine, at least physically.
The big problem would be dealing with the psychological damage.
He would make sure to give her every resource for her to recover fully.
Mia slept for hours but he didn't leave her side, not now when she was finally back.
Alex was there too most of the time, only leaving to get a shower or some rest just as the previous days. The boy looked so grown up, so mature.
Only a result of the flawless education that he had gotten from Mia. She was an incredible mother, despite all the struggles.
She was awake again after a few hours and even if Yuzuru never expected things to be fully back to normal, he didn't expect to have her flinching at his touch.
He could tell it was completely involuntary by the way that her eyes widened when she felt her body pull away from him.
"I... Yuzu... I..."
It was a mere hand grab, he just brushed his fingers against hers and she started trembling in fear.
Mia started crying, the damage that Nyck had done was beyond expected and Yuzuru once again was lost and confused.
"I'm sorry... I don't mean to pull away..."
"It's okay, I understand. A step at a time, ok?"
He wanted to hug her and console her cries, but it just seemed like that would only make matters worse.
"He ruined me... He ruined my life again."
"Mia... We can do this, we can be stronger than that. Ok?"
Later on that night, Yuzuru went home and rummaged through his drawers.
He had been so excited a few weeks ago, hiding the small box. All that was missing was finding the right time.And now?
Now he wasn't even sure if he could ever touch her again without her whole body trembling. That's how much the idiot messed with her head.
Yuzuru was never a violent person but on that day, he considered what he would do once they found Nyck.
His heart wanted to rip him apart but his brain said that he couldn't.Yuzuru Hanyu was a role model for kids all over Japan and like Mia said so many times before, they had to trust the law.
The worst of it all was that he couldn't possibly understand the reasoning behind all of it.
Nyck was the one that left, the one that chose to be out of Mia and Alex's life. Now he suddenly wanted to meet the boy? He wanted to be a father?
Somehow, it seemed like there was more to this and Yuzuru's instincts told him to investigate further.
Whatever it was, Yuzu would make sure he wouldn't get anywhere near them.

Healer | Yuzuru Hanyu
RomanceMia was a strong woman. Raising a child by yourself is never an easy task. Doing it while studying to become one of the best lawyers in the country is even harder. Her distrust in men isn't unjustified and for 8 years she kept as much distance from...