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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 23
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 501,350
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

With the family
"You cannot do this." Phee pleaded. "I can do whatever I wish, thanks to my naive and pathetically stupid sister Palpatine is gone and the Empire is mine to rule." Anakin gleamed. Fives held Boba and Cal behind him, protecting them from the evil that had blossomed in front of them. "We won't let you get away with this," Katia growled furiously. "Good Luck." He growled out just before Fives made for a mad dash to the cockpit with Crosshair and the kids closely behind him. When Suddenly Phee extended her hidden spear and swung it at the former Jedi's head. The Sith Lord held his saber up to block the attack when Katia launched a fierce kick, sending him falling out of the ship onto the planet's surface.

With the Bad Batch and Friends
"I don't think she's alive Fox." Bly proclaimed in a quiet tone. When suddenly the black cloaked figure of Darth Vader dropped to the ground. His burning yellow eyes gleamed over the debris field. "I KNOW YOU ARE HERE SEREN!" The voice of the former Jedi knight boomed. "Now come out and let me kill you." Anakin growled out. "What has become of you?" Seren's calm voice asked as she emerged from a pile of debris. Fox and Dogma stared in shock and the seemingly unharmed status of their former director. "Don't act like you care." Vader drawled out. "But I do, you are my brother Anakin." Seren added with a tone of innocence to her voice. A deep dark laugh echoed throughout the grounds as Anakin laughed at his sister. "Brother? You think I am your brother after you smuggled traitors." Anakin growled out. "They are children Anakin, some of them are not any older than you or me on Tatooine." Seren professed. "They are still traitors." He growled. "What did they do against the republic Anakin? It was Master Windu and a few others who stormed the Chancellor's office, but that was only after you exposed him to be a Sith Lord." Seren argued. "Their only crime was learning to protect from the Sith." Seren concluded. "The Jedi tried to destroy the Republic." Anakin snapped ferociously. "And yet it was Palpatine who did. Palpatine was the Sith who placed mind control chips into the minds of his slave army. It was Palpatine who made laws making it possible for the creation of the Empire. It was Palpatine who destroyed the Republic." Seren shouted. "LIER!" Anakin screamed. "It is because Obi-Wan Padme is DEAD!" He screamed. "Obi-Wan wasn't the one to choke her Anakin, that was you. You are responsible for the death of Padme Amidalla, just as you are responsible for the massacre in the Jedi Temple." She affirmed. The clones stared in horror and shock at the former Jedi. Anger flourished through Rex's veins as he stared at his friend, the man who had become a monster. The monster responsible for his brother's deaths on Coruscant in the temple, Hunter hurried his brow as he felt no vibrations from Seren's breathing. The only sign of her life being existent was her standing before them. Anakin's chest moved rapidly as realization dawned on him. Seren stepped closer to her brother with an outreached hand. "It's not too late brother, you and I can fix this. We can make the galaxy right again, we can destroy the empire, free the clones, and restore the order. Just take my hand." Seren offered. Anakin looked up at his sister wide, his blue orbs meeting her hopeful ones. The group watched the scene before them with determination. Determination for something in this horrible galaxy to go right. Anakin took her hand and a sigh of relief escaped everyone's lips. Seren smiled at her brother, an expression he returned, she nodded her head once and then stepped closer. Until suddenly anger flashed across his face and before anyone could do anything a red saber pierced her stomach. "NOOO!" Omega, Thire, Dogma, and Fox screamed out. While everyone else gasped in shock. Seren looked down at the angry red saber and then back up at her brother. A saddened look crossed her features and her shoulders sagged, heavy with defeat. "I am sorry, I wasn't able to save you, brother." She sighed before her frame suddenly vanished. Hunter felt the rumbling of footsteps, just before a large figure jumped up into the air, ignited a pair of red and purple sabers, and clashed down upon Vader's head. The trio of sabers glowed fiercely, while the Jedi Master and Sith Lord fought for dominance. Seren's teeth were pressed into a ferocious snarl as she pushed down upon her brother. Until she launched herself off of her and gracefully landed on the ground. Seren sheathed both of her sabers, fisted her right hand, and sent it flying forwards, a stream of blue flames was flung at the Sith Lord. Raged-filled red ones quietly blocked the blue and another stream of red was sent at the Jedi. She promptly sent a harsh kick to match the red flames with blue. The sky glowed with purple light as the flames met. Suddenly Vader charged the Jedi, she dropped onto her back and kicked him over her head. She jumped back up and whipped out her red and purple blades. She ran at the Sith and swung at the Sith. The clones watched in amazement at the brother and sister fight with deadly conviction. "Come on let's go." Phee instructed as she scooped up Omega. "Phee?" Omega questioned. "Yes, now let's get into the ship before we become baroque." Phee commented as she urged Tech into the nearby shuttle, while the sounds of blades clashed behind them. Rex and Cody looked at Hunter for clarification, to which he nodded approvingly. They hurried into the shuttle and watched as the ship began to take off, leaving the still-fighting duo far below them. "Nooo we cannot leave Mom." Cal shouted as he rushed out of the cockpit. The clones looked at the small red-haired boy in shock, until Phee swept him up in her arms before the boy could run out of the ship. "She will come back, Cal. Seren knows how to handle herself." Phee affirmed. "But she still loves him, she won't kill him." Cal argued. Phee placed him down and knelt. "Kid she will come home." Phee informed. Cal looked up at his aunt with wide green eyes full of worry.

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With Seren
"I'M SORRY ANAKIN!" Seren screamed as she fought against his blade. "I would have done anything for you!" She added with pain dripping from her voice. "If I had known what was going to happen." She gasped out exposing just how much she was suffering. "I would have KILLED HIM!" She growled out when Anakin's strike caught her by surprise and nearly chopped her arm off and instead cut Sidious's saber in half. Seren dropped the saber and held her purple saber firm, while Anakin pushed up against it. "I would do done anything to make things right again!" She shouted. "Then just die!" Anakin snapped. Tears began to collect in Seren's eyes as she accepted what she had to do. She dropped her saber, sank to her knee, raised her left hand to block the lightsabers from striking her, grabbed the lightsaber, and slammed the hilt into his chest before igniting the blade. The purple blade extended as Anakin's eyes widened. Seren's tears cascaded down her cheeks as she lowered her hand from his chest. Anakin's hand dropped, saber fell to the ground, then his knees gave out. Seren hurriedly grabbed him and held his trembling frame in her arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She wept out as she hugged him to her chest. Anakin's lip trembled as his tired eyes looked up at her weeping face. "I never wanted this to happen, I am so sorry." She rambled on as she began to apply pressure to his chest. He thought that should have caused some pain to him, yet he felt nothing as he lay in his sister's arms. He felt her embrace and that was it, not the pain of the stab wound, not the pain of Padme's death, the guilt of his actions, nothing but Seren existed in that moment. For Seren, the burning flames didn't exist, the storm clouds brewing in the sky didn't exist, and nothing but her dying brother mattered. Her last living relative...was dying in her arms. "I'm...sorry, for everything." Anakin gasped out. Seren bite her lip as his apology smacked into her like a blaster bolt. "No, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you...I am sorry you had to bury Padme without me." Seren apologized profusely. "Tell...Obi-Wan, I'm sorry, okay?" Anakin asked with a shaking breath. Seren closed her eyes as her face twisted in agony. She bite her bottom lip and then nodded her head. "Okay...I will...I will tell him." She affirmed. Relief washed over Anakin's frame at his sister's promise and he nodded his head. "I'm sorry." Seren apologized again. Anakin smiled up at his sister and grabbed her hand from his chest. His chest shook and he bit his tongue. "It's...okay." He breathed out before his lip trembled. His face contorted in pain and then suddenly relaxed. His grasp on her hand melted away before his hand fell to the ground. The thunder clashed loudly, as a scream tore through Seren's chest. She held her brother close to her chest as she buried her face into his next, screaming out for her lost brother.

With the Bad Batch
The ship landed behind the still frame of Seren, the gangplank lowered, but she made no move. Instead, she remained still in front of a makeshift gravestone, and a freshly dug grave. The rain poured down upon her as she remained still in front of the sight. The clones looked over her broken form with pity on their faces. Knowing the feeling of having to kill a brother, Rex stepped forwards into the rain. The brothers and sisters watched as Rex walked up to the still Seren. Rex silently walked up to the worn-out, beaten, and bruised figure in silence. Seren didn't move as Rex took his place beside her. Rex looked down at the gravestone. "Here lies Anakin Skywalker." Who knew four simple words could hold so much weight to them, Rex looked at Seren with sympathy in his eyes. The rain cascaded down her soaked hair, her bloodshot eyes shined down at the grave until her raspy voice spoke. "You know this." She started before tears began to fall once more. "Yes, I know what you are feeling," Rex affirmed. "Does it ever go away?" She asked with pain in her voice. "No," Rex admitted with a shaking head. Seren's grasp on the black and silver hilt tightened as her eyes did. When Rex spoke again. "It does lessen." He added. Crosshair watched from a distance as the captain tried to console his love. Anger and jealousy flashed through his veins as he took in the sight, first, she had rejected him and now the reg captain was consoling her. When suddenly Seren fell to her knees and let out a heart-wrenching scream of anguish. All of his emotions disappeared at the sight of Seren's suffering. Crosshair pushed himself up, catching the attention of the clones. He forced himself to move towards Seren, wordlessly passing his brother along the way. The cool rain fell upon his head as he pushed himself onwards. Soon he made it to the weeping form of his former lover. He placed a hand on Seren's shoulder, causing her to snap her head up to look at him. Her adorable, innocent seemingly, pained eyes looked up at him as she held onto her brother's saber. Crosshair's long, thin fingers moved her wet hair out of her face before whipping away her tears. "Come here," Crosshair spoke in a hushed tone as he knelt down in front of Seren. Seren threw herself into his embrace and hugged Crosshair's thin frame tightly. At first, Crosshair's eyes widened at the contact, but then he leaned into it. He wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her aroma. Missing her hair, her lips, her voice, and her smell for so long, he craved them. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry." She cried out into his chest. "I should have gone to Batuu with you, then none of this would have happened." She wept out. Crosshair wrapped his arms around her tighter and tucked his head on top of her head. "Shuuh it's okay, just breath," Crosshair instructed as he began to run a hand through her red locks. Missing the feeling of her hair, between his fingers, he continued to guide his fingers through her hair. "I can't." She gasped out. Crosshair moved his chest and her ear and held her close, just to match my heartbeat Cyar'ika." Crosshair soothed. Seren's chest shuttered as she began to breathe, as time passed her breathing slowed and evened out. Crosshair held her long after he noticed her breathing completely steady. The batch looked on at the sight with joy and pride in their chest. "See I told you, she loves him." Omega grinned. "And it appears Crosshair loves her as well," Tech affirmed. "Well thank you Tech, now we all know that for sure." Thire sassed. "It's so cute." Fox gleamed as he looked at the couple in the rain. "I love you, Seren." Crosshair breathed out into her hair. Seren tightened her grasp on his chest and buried her head into it. "I love you too my Ram'ser." Seren wept out, this time in relief. It was at this moment Crosshair realized that everything would be okay with Seren at his side. Everything would be okay.

To my dear readers,
Much like my stories, life is never clear, sometimes it twists, and other times it turns. You will lose people in your life, but those who stick around. Cherish them because when they are gone, sometimes it is forever. Like Seren and Crosshair, their path was never clear, but when Seren realized what he had lost, she beat the forces of fate and pulled them back together, pulled them back to a place where they can live out their lives happily, an ending so rare in their galaxy. So, my friends, it is with this final sentence that I wish you adieu and bid you good luck on your next Adventure.

Sasha Skoog Conant

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