Power Levels (P/1)

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1) Individual: Rimuru Tempest

Blessing: Blessing of Chaos.

Titles: Chaos Creator, Ruler of Tempest.

Age: Immesurable.

Existence Power: 1,200,000,000 EP. 1,600,000,000 EP with weapons.

Skills: {Wisdom God, Athena}, {Void God, Azathoth} and {Origin Skill, Information King: Akashic Records}

Weapon: God Grade Katana, Akaiitou (200,000,000 EP). God Grade Scythe, Unamed (200,000,000).

2) Individual: Milim Nava

Blessing: Null.

Titles: The Destroyer.

Age: 10,000+

Existence Power: 70,000,000 EP. 90,000,000 EP with weapon.

Skills: {Wrathful King, Satanel}

Weapon: Greatsword, Tenma (20,000,000).

3) Individual: Zelanus

Blessing: Null

Titles: Insectar King.

Age: 10,000,000,000+

Existence Power: 150,000,000.

Skills: No Ultimate Skill.

Weapon: Non.

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