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(One night stand with the devil)


"Beauty's pov"

We got to the court room after driving for hours

"You are welcome mr and mrs kings",,

We were greeted wormly by a really cute guy who smiled at me ,i could feel richmonds hard gaze on him and immediately he wrapped his hands on mine as we walked to our seat

"Sign here mam",,

A man said to me ,which i did,richy did same

We exchanged rings and vows

"You are both officially husband and wife ",,

I could help but roll my eyes,this is annoying can't believe i got married to a stranger ,a guy i barely knew for a day

Richy couldnt wait ,seems he's so excited about the marriage ,he kissed me so hard i reciprocated without thinking twice

I know this is crazy cause we just met each other but i can't help but feel attracted to this man

"Lets go wifey ,its time for your revenge ",,(richy said and smiled )

We left the court room and drove home

"Ray u know what to do right",,(richy said to ray )

"Sure boss",,

The drive home was really long though richy got into another car with ray while i went home with the kids after his departure


Mr lorgan sat in his office working on some documents when his secerary ran in panting

"Sir we are going bankrupt ",,

"I dont get you ,what do you mean?"

"All the share holders are taking their shares and backing out ,they are selling their shares to the kings industry ",,

"This cant be happening no",,he banged on the table angrily ",

He suddenly held his shirt breathing heavily till he collapsed on the floor

"Sir sir",,

*Pete and chloe's home*

He walked out of his bathroom with a towel round his waist

"Honey you havent said anything since this morning ,what's going on with you ",,,(chloe said sounding worried )

But pete kept quiet getting dressed

"Pete say something ",,(she walked to him turning him to face her )

"What do you expect me to say huh ,we have been married for four years but still no kids ,we have done everything possible to have kids but nothing ",,,(he yelled at her)

She looked at him in disbelieve

"Is this the reason why you havent touched me for months now ,pete am not God lets just keep trying please ",,

"Trying you say",,(he scoffed )

"Sorry darline i cant keep wasting my sperm on you"""

"What ?""

"Honey i,,,,,,,,,,,,(she couldnt complete her statement cause she couldnt find her voice )

"I should have stick to beauty ",,(he said and walked out on her )

She fell down weeping profusely

"I hate you beauty ,,,i hate you ,,,,,,,damn you pete ,,,,(she screamed out )

"I will do everything in my piwer to destroy you,how dare you"(she fummed )


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