The Groom and the Bridal Party

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Aslan's POV

The first thing he did when he woke up was to order flowers for his wife. He did his morning routine, worked out, shaved, got a massage, and then his friends arrived in his room. Elena had stayed at Elle's place last night. He was already missing her. A night without her was a punishment.

His friends got busy in helping him getting ready. The photographer recorded everything. Finally they made their way towards the cars. He was not just walking out of his house, but he was walking out of his old life to a new one, one he had never believed would be looking so appealing. He was walking towards the love of his life. In the arms of a goddess.

He had never known that he will ever fall in love, let alone getting married. He shook his head. An age old memory visited him and he kept her face aside. He was Elena's and he will always belong to her, and she will belong to him. It was damn sure.

Elena's POV

She was woken up by the giggling of girls. When she woke up rubbing her eyes, they were looking out the window. She also joined them and found a truck full of flowers. The side of the truck said, "For the beautiful bride."

She couldn't believe her eyes. She ran out the door and examined all the flowers. They were so fresh and beautiful and she couldn't stop wondering how much they must have cost. She inhaled deeply and ordered the delivery man to deliver them inside.

Elle's living area was full with flowers now. The morning went by having massages and facials. The makeup artist and stylist arrived at 10. Aslan had arranged makeup artists for every bridesmaid as well. Bella couldn't even stop jumping up and down in excitement. Elena felt guilty in her heart. Her friend deserved as much happiness as her, but God had written Elena's fate with blood in a very angry mood.

She got into her dress and all of them posed for pictures. Violet opened up the champagne. Elena was sipping it when she received a text from Aslan. "I will die of waiting, sunshine."

She smiled at his text.

Because Elena's parents were not coming, Ian had taken the responsibility to give her away. She was meeting him at the church only.

Three cars were waiting. Two for the bridesmaids and one for the bride. Elena forgot her purse and ran inside to grab it. The other two cars had started. She jumped into hers and started her journey to the destination with a heavy heart and a stomach full of butterflies.

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