The murder

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beatrix campbell : you're a murderer.

i was sitting in that shitty conner in the nasty closet, trying to think of something to write. anything. my brain kept replaying what that bitch kept saying "beatrix, you need to start writing for the paper." god. her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. every time she spoke i felt the blood pouring my ears. i got up, brushing my pants off. maybe some water and a cigarette would help me think of something. i need a break anyways. i grabbed a mini microscope, walking out the closet, running into portia. "ow!- what the hell!-" i said, staring at portia. she looked.. stressed? what's up with her? before i could ask she answered my question, it was like she was reading my mind.. "vincent killed ambrose." she managed to spit out, her voice shaking. holy shit.. was she being serious? i know he is dedicated, but i didn't he was THAT dedicated. i just shoved portia and starting walking around, looking for vincent. there he was, but what was he doing? what was going on? that doesn't matter right now. i needed him to clear this shit up. "vincent! what the hell is wrong with you? killing ambrose? i get you want to win, but that doesn't mean you can kill people! i understand how you fee-" i was cut off by him swinging at me. what the hell. i quickly sung back with the microscope i was holding, hitting his chin with it. he fell back and i ran away, standing there after running for about five minutes. what was wrong with him. i just sat on the ground, my breathing heavy. it's all i could hear. everything felt so tight around me. i started to cry. i don't even know why, i don't cry. i'm not the type to cry, but i couldn't help it.. this isn't vincent. i know it isn't. what is this. who is this. i couldn't help but to sit there and sob, not even trying to fix the situation.

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