Chapter 38

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How did he even

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How did he even.... I look up at him as he gives me a confused look.

Is this dream too ? No it can't be ,it's normal place. I sigh in relief , " no" he frowns " whatever happened don't trust him and don't listen to him , he is not real , don't fall for his tricks"

"What?.."  without saying anything farther he leaves, what the fuck was that ?

Nothing is adding up here , first : his sister situation,second : his uncle and father being suspicious and third: this weird dream.

I lay back down and think about everything,
Aaron uncle is a scientist, he does and make stuff on his own, if that's so , maybe he did make a drink to make them forget . But I can't be sure.

On the other hand Aaron's father is not even a scientist or anything that, so why is he even..

I snap out of my thoughts when the door slammed open, "Rose" Xavier comes in closing the door behind him.

"What the actual fuck are you and Aaron are doing ?" Is he talking about the 'Aaron's father and uncle' thing.

"Umm mind giving me a little explanation?"
He looks at me in disbelief " you know what I'm talking about"

" unfortunately I don't ."
"You are pregnant?" WHAT!
"What the fuck ! why would I be pregnant?"What did Aaron meddle with him?

" you are not ? Than why did Aaron say that you are pregnant" he looked at me confused

"Why did he even say that ?" I raise my brow , he shrugged , I swear I'll kill him.

Suddenly he burst out laughing, is he psycho too ? " relax I'm just kidding, you should have seen that look in your face" he laughs

What a stupid joke "anyway the dinner is ready, come down when you are ready" he closes the door behind him as he leaves.

I sigh and get up , I take a quick shower and replace my bandages with new ones. I put on some comfy clothes and go downstairs,I didn't bother to dry my hair.

There were only Aaron ,Xavier and Rayan, I guess others left , I take a seat next to Aaron, and we all start eating.

" Xavier I want to tell you something." Aaron speaks up "look what I'm about to say is crazy but you need to know this."

"Sure , what is it?" Xavier glances at me but I just look away " Rose and I are investigating about my sister's death, our suspicions are on my uncle and father, so far we didn't get much information cause there is just the two of us and lots of things are happening , also there are just too many guards at my uncle's place, it's impossible for us to sneak in without being noticed."

Xavier stops eating and says " so it is true ,huh?" We all look at him confused " so your uncle did brain wash us?"

"We still don't know that , he is a scientist though" I say as I continue to eat

"But what does Aaron's father has to do with anything?" Rayan asks " well my father is really close to my uncle so he knows exactly who killed Ava and blamed it all on Rose".

" but why does this involves me for" Xavier asks

"Because you were the first victim of my uncle"



Hi guys , I know it's been a while since I posted but here you go, it's short I know , but I promise I will try to write longer and post it soon 💕😭

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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