I woke up to my 5 o'clock alarm, the first day of my new school and my new life. I got out of bed and was immediately greated by my all back German Shepard night he licked me as to say good morning.
" Hey bud good morning to you too." I scratched his head and walked over to my bed room door. My dad was walking out in full uniform.
"Morning squeaks" he smiled
"Morning dad ain't you off today?"
"I have to go in after dropping you off at the town school and get you into to the office, oh I let night out already don't worry just get ready babygirl."
"Okay thanks dad" she smiled while i looked alot like my father with black hair i have my mom's green eyes smile and freckles just like she did. mom had pasted a few years go in my 7th grade year now am in the middle of freshman year.
"You want breakfast?" He dad called down the hall
"Eggs please dad" i called back as she walked into her room closing the door once night came back in, i pulled out my black hoodie and ripped blue jeans. Since kansas was one of the warmer states i lived in grabbed a fited red t-shirt to wear under it, I stood in the mirror tucking the t shirt into my jeans. Since my dad was a Sargent I grew up working out with him and his buddies, I was lean but strong I also had grown into my body more this year large breasts flat stomach and a good size ass. I pulled on the hoodie and started on my make up I did a very layed back style mascara eye liner highlighter and lip gloss. I brushed out my long black hair putting it into a ponytail.
"Alright night what did we think boy good for a first day?" I stood up and spinned letting night look at me he gave out a soft bark "I will take that as a yes"
I walked down stairs into the kitchen fixing my necklace mom gave me before she pasted away Dad was plating the food as I sat at the counter. By the time we were done eating it was time to leave. I grabbed my backpack and jumped in the truck I called for night who jumped up right be side me. The drive wasn't a long one but was full of silence
"Hey jasmine I known you are nervous but I promise I'm here until you graduate" my dad squeezed my shoulder .
"Thanks dad" I smiled weakly soon we arrived at my new school, dad parked.and we walked inside going to the office.
"Hello how can we help you?" The lady at the front counter asked
"Hi I'm Mr Carmichael, my daughter Jasmine is starting here today"
"Oh right one moment" she stood up and walked threw the door soon a gentleman came out I'm assuming is the principle.
"Hi you must be Jasmine!" He smiled at me and shook my hand" I have a student on there way to show you around Mr Carmichael we have a form for you to fill out"
"Hey Mr.Mark you requested to see me?" A boy walked into the office he had blonde hair blue eyes he was in a green t-shirt and blue jeans.
"Ah Mr golbach yes this is Jasmine she is new would you show her around."
"Yeah of course do you have your schedule yet, oh and I'm sam by the way"
"Nice to meet you sam and yeah I do, dad you good here" I looked up at my father.
"I am sweets let me know if you need a ride home and what time okay" he kissed my head
"Sounds good" I turned back to sam and we walked out of the office
"You just moved to town?"
"Yeah me and dad moved around a lot but he Said he had a four year contract here so I'm staying until graduation."
"Where have you all been"
"Well we lived in south Dakota Tennessee then Spain for a bit California Oklahoma north Dakota then here all from the time I was 5." I smiled at sam he was a few inches taller then me
"Cool and since you just moved here why don't you meet me in front of the school for lunch."
"I don't want ti be a bother"
"Jasmine you won't be I don't have many friends besides one and I have a feeling you will get along with him. But let me see your schedule quick"
"Thanks sam" I handed him my class schedule.
"I will start with your last class and work the way to your first class which we have together okay?"
"Sounds good can we go to my locker tho I wanna put my hoodie in it."
"Yeah it is actually right over here" sam led me to my locker I opened it and threw my hoodie and my backpack in it I pulled out a smaller satchel and put my notebooks and pen bag in it.
"You know you can keep your backpack on you here right," sam laughed a little
"Really?" I looked up at him
"Yeah oh there is that friend I was telling you about" sam waved to a guy down the hall he was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. He had fluffy brown hair and piercing blue eyes
"Hey sam who is this" the guy came over to us
"This is Jasmine she is new here" sam motioned to me "Jasmin this is colby my best friend he is in some of your classes"
"Nice to meet you colby" I smiled colby was taller then sam but not by alot.
"Nice to meet you too" sam and colby showed me around the school soon the first bell rang colby parted ways from us and me and sam walked to our first period.

new school new life
FanfictionJasmine lives with her dad, a military Sargent due to them always moving from base to base she never made friends but her dad would be here for the next few years more then any other time she was starting fresh as could be in this new town we're no...