Chapter XIII - Corresponding Powers

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Pietro brought Alyssa back to the labs before he wandered off again, presumably to go find his sister.

Alyssa steadied herself before entering, her eyes immediately finding Tony's as he dropped whatever he was doing to join her at the entrance.

"Ally? I'm so sorry. I didn't-" she cut him off before he could spurt out his apology.

"I... thought about it. I- I wanna meet them. Her," she said. Tony stared at her with an open mouth before he quickly gained his composure again.

"O- of course. Yeah, follow me," he said, leading her out of the lab and to the elevator. The ride was awkward and Tony bit his lip in order not to say something.

When they finally stopped, the doors opened and the Starks were greeted with the open and sunshine-lit area of the training level. The entire floor was dedicated to all sorts of training, equipment, and areas to spar in. Alyssa stepped out and set foot on one of the huge training mats.

"How long do we have to wait for her?" she asked. Tony was about to respond when a woman's voice behind Alyssa replied instead.

"Well, unless you already called someone else to take over, not at all."

Alyssa turned around, promptly being struck with the woman's beauty. She had long, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her voice was cheerful and had a slight Australian accent, but it wasn't really that noticeable. On her face was a bright smile and she was dressed casually; in jeans and a sweater, with a bag strung over her shoulder. It looked like she was called spontaneously.

"My name's Kendra McAddams. You must be Alyssa," she said, sticking a hand out to the younger girl. Alyssa hesitantly shook it. "Yeah... that's me," she replied, looking over at her father with a confused expression.

She didn't expect this woman to be her teacher. Tony sighed and walked over to them, smiling at Kendra. "I already consulted Kendra one time before, Ally. When you were younger," he said. Kendra nodded, her friendly aura never fading once.

Alyssa was still unsure of the situation but took on a calm expression as Kendra set down her bag and stood next to Tony. "Tony already explained some bits to me but I'm still gonna ask you some questions, if that's alright?" she asked, her eyes flitting from Tony to Alyssa.

Alyssa nodded but her stance was still tense as she looked at her father. Tony saw, and bit back a frown, telling the blonde woman next to him that he would be in the lab in case there was a problem.

After he left, Alyssa inhaled deeply, getting down on the mat as she leaned her head on her hand. Kendra followed her motion, sitting down with her legs crossed. For a moment no one said anything, and Alyssa perked up when Kendra broke the silence. "I'm not going to tell you what to do. I'm here to help you," she said softly, smiling lightly.

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"Really? Because something tells me this is not gonna be easy. Especially with my dad," Alyssa replied.

"I know you two are in kind of a rough patch right now. You don't need to tell me everything. And you can trust me, I won't report everything to your father," smiled Kendra, stretching her arms above her head. "So, are you ready for your first lesson?"

A few hours have passed since Alyssa and Kendra met, and during that time some other people decided to enter the room. Wanda and Pietro were working out with the gym equipment; Wanda way more hesitantly than her brother. Steve and Thor were taking turns in sparring, and Clint was at the shooting range. Alyssa was glad that the archer finally came out of his room.

Of course everyone had also taken notice of Kendra and they introduced themselves, Thor being very cheerful as he thought she reminded him of his mother. And Steve had apparently taken a liking to her as well; Alyssa could practically sense his heart eyes from across the room.

Right now, the two girls were still situated on the beige training mat in the middle of the room, sitting in front of each other as they were taking a break from training. The training wasn't physical; instead, Kendra started teaching Alyssa the strength of the mind.

With her powers, stated the Australian, Alyssa had to handle her emotions correctly in order not to flare out. Only if she figured out a rhythm, would Kendra proceed with physical training.

"But how do I keep up mental walls? It's not like they're really there," said Alyssa, taking a sip of water.

"But they are. And you'll learn how to exactly focus your emotion into your powers," Kendra replied, leaning back on her arms. Alyssa watched her, biting back the question which lingered on her tongue since they met.

This is ridiculous.

"Come on, let's continue. You're doing great," Kendra smiled, reclaiming her position with her legs crossed. Alyssa didn't move, however, her brows furrowing as she looked at her teacher.

Kendra's smile faded, and she tilted her head in question. "Everything alright?"

"What can you do? I mean, what are your powers? And what do you know about mine?" Alyssa asked, being quick and blunt with her question, which apparently caught Kendra off guard. "You want me to channel my emotions? Well, I can't exactly do that if I don't even know what for."

Kendra bit the inside of her cheek, playing with her shoelaces as she looked at the ground. Then she shook her head, sitting up straight as she looked at Alyssa. "You know what, you're right. I shouldn't have jumped right in. That was inconsiderate."

Alyssa smiled slightly, letting her know that it's okay. But she still wanted answers.

"I can... well, I can manipulate blood. It's actually kinda gruesome but it means I can do basically anything to the human body. Or living beings in general," Kendra responded. She pointed at Wanda before continuing. "Your friend over there? Wanda? I read her file. She can manipulate the mind. And you... well, from what I've gathered, you can manipulate the soul."

The soul?

Alyssa's brows creased, confusion edging itself onto her face. At her silence, Kendra continued to speak softly.

She sighed softly, scooting a little bit closer. "Alyssa... ten years ago, I was called by your father. After he got you back, he... excessively occupied himself with research. About HYDRA and their projects. I was... let's say in a similar situation. Your father contacted me and asked for my help, but I thought you were too young," she explained.

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