Your slowly walking down the streets of LA with Luke just absentmindedly thinking off into space when you bumped into a bunch of girls who clearly were fans by the way they were acting. Luke released your hand which took you by surprise and walked over to the girls.
"Omg hey Luke."
"Hey beautiful."
Your eyes got bigger at his words. She was pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, with tannish skin. You knew Luke had been acting weird lately but you didn't think it was something as serious as this
"Can you take our picture?" The girl practically pushed her phone toward you before you had time to respond. You gave her a fake smile and took the picture. The he kissed her on the cheek.
After the rest of the girls were done, Luke turned the the blonde and asked for her name and Twitter which really got you.
You were furious. Was this some kind of joke to him?
"I'm going to walk on the barns and noble." you said walking away from the group.
How could he do something like that.
You walked into the store and found your way into a corner behind a lot of books hoping Luke wouldn't find you. You had to get your mind rapped around what he did. You haven't done anything to him. Ugh. This made you furious. You understood that he needed to be nice the fans and you wanted him to be but he had never went as far as to call one of them beautiful and ask for her Twitter.
You had to get revenge. As soon as you were deep in your thoughts it hit you. You knew what would kill Luke.After an hour or so you got a text from Luke telling you he was at the car and was wondering if you were going to stay at Barns and Noble all night. You finished off your coffee and headed toward the car. He was sitting there texting when you got in. You were going to play it cool and act like it didn't bother you. He would not win. He turned his phone off and started the car. it was silent all the way back to the hotel were you and the boys were staying.
Once you were there, you both were escorted into the hotel and to the floor that all of you were staying on. You went into yours and Luke's room and laid your stuff on your bed and made your way past Luke and back out into the hallway. You knocked on the door next to yours which was Michael, Calum, and Ashton's shared room. You walked in to see them all playing FIFA.
"Hi (Y/N). Come to play." Ashton asked
"No. Had to get away from Luke. He's been acting weird lately and I don't know why." You said taking a seat between Calum and Ashton. "But don't say anything."
"We won't." Answered Michael
About that time Luke walked in giving you a glance to you. He came and sat in a chair since there was no more room on the couch.
Now was your time.
You slowly sat your head on Calum's shoulder and scooted closer. Then you began to act as you were getting sleepy which was really bothering Luke. You snuggled closer to Calum.Luke eyed you. Calum paid the small act no mind but just went along. He gave Luke a look and went back to the game. About that time you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around Calum's arm. You knew this would get him. Luke loved when you fell asleep on him and snuggled. He said he loved the way you looked when you slept. And cuddling with Calum made it even worse.
"Well it looks like (Y/N) is falling asleep. We need to get to bed. I'm tired myself." Luke said. You opened your eyes to were you could see the burn in his eyes. He picked you up bridal style and was out the door and in your room before you knew it. He automatically threw you on the bed were he pinned you down and looked you straight in the eyes.
"Snuggling with Calum is going to get you into trouble babe." Luke said
"And flirting with fans and asking for there Twitter is going to get you to a single relationship. " You said trying to push away from Luke. He was too strong for your push.
"I did no such thing."
"Yes you did. You said she was beautiful and ask for her name and Twitter. Do you know how much that hurt me, Luke? And not only that I walked all the way to Barnes and Noble by myself and waited for you for an hour. What is with you acting weird lately?"
Luke began to smile and laugh. You didn't think what you had said was all that funny which made you frown.
"Oh babe. You apparently weren't listening to well you must have still been slightly daydreaming and heard half of the conversation. I was talking to you when I said hey beautiful. I was trying to get your attention to take the picture and then she ask me to follow her on Twitter and that's why I asked for her Twitter and name. And I really hate to ruin this but since your mad, I was being weird because I have scheduled us to go the beach and nice restaurant on our days off. That's why I never came in Barns and Noble I was calling people and working things out. I know how much you have always wanted to go to California to the beach. And I have told you a million times you are the only girl that I love and I could never replace you. That girl was no where near as beautiful as you." He kissed you on the nose. "But I see that revenge got the best of you today. I told you revenge is never good. And you must be punished for your actions with Calum. You have been a bad, bad girl. Jealousy, revenge, and Calum is not good combinations. And you thought the best way to get back at me was to sleep on my best friend? You knew that would get me. And you were right. But too bad I'm the jealous type, too. I promise you will never want to sleep or snuggle on Calum again after tonight." He smirked.
You smiled and kissed him.
You hated yours and his jealous side.

Luke Hemmings imagines
FanfictionHere is some imagines about Luke Hemmings that I come up with or get from tumblr. Thanks