Ep 3

448 11 1


Let's start again

In tae house

Today tae is in home  because of holidays he is doing his homework now  after  complete his homework in few hours he then think to spend sometime with his friends  so he message his friends

Tae.Hi guys what are you doing now

Friends.Nothing we just complete our homework and now we are free it's so boring but why are you asking

Tae.umm actually I was thinking we should spend our time together and for that we have to go to restaurant for dinner what you guys say about it

Friends.great your plan is just great we should spend sometime together so where do you want us to spend  time together angel

Tae .so there is a new restaurant I heard it's great so come on 9:00 at XXX restaurant ok

Friends.ok we are coming

Tae.okie great take care then

Friends.take care angel

Tae then choose his dress and  take shower and get ready to go the restaurant

In restaurant

Tae enter and see his friends waiting for him so he go towards  his friends say hi and they all spend there time with some fun talks and jokes eat there dinner and now it late  so they are going back to there house

As the restaurant is in walking distance from tae house so he go towards his home by walking it's now midnight and there is no one on the street tae is walking with slowly steps and murming a song as well after fews mins he feel like someone is behind him so he turn around to see but  there is no one  he ingnore it and again start walking but then someone put his his hand on tae shoulder tae get scraed and turn around to see there is a man full in black suit like he is a gurad of someone tae in afraid state  say to the man

Tae.w-what do y-you ww- want

Gurad.are you  KIM TAEHYUNG

Tae.y-yes but why a-are you asking

Gurad.our boss wants to meet with you come with us

Tae.but I do know who is your boss I am sorry I have to go

When tae turn around to go towards his home he felt like like someone put a cloth on his mouth he try to remove it but all ruin and in few mins everything  around  tae get spinning and tae vision get blurry  he don't remember what happens next

In someone bedroom

Tae wakeup with headache and he start to get up from the bed but when he see the surrounding he get shock because the room is totally dark and red colour walls are decorated with painting  he get scraed and hurridly get up from the bed and run  towards the room door to open it but the door was lock when he is busy trying to open this dame door suddenly he heard from his back a rude and scary voice and tae heart beat is more fast on that voice and when tae search for the voice that from where is coming that voice he see a person which is sitting on a chair with cross legs and his eyes is all on tae and the person staring at tae like he will eat tae in fews mins

Person.so you finally wakeup baby did you sleep tight

Tae.w-who are y-you

Person.ohh did you not recognize me yet wait a min I will on the lights to you so that you can easily recognize me baby

Person clap twice and the lights are on and when tae see his face tae get jungshock because the person is not other then a psycho mafia which is the biggest and powerful mafia in south Korea the person smirk when he see the reaction of scraed and shock tae

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