Several years have passed since the spiritual warrior Kai was defeated by the Dragon Warrior, and since then, Po has served as a teacher in the Jade Palace. But in every student's life there comes a point at which they must cut their roots and follo...
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Sun Ce: - This is not good. -
Hong: - Look! The gates of the city walls are opening. -
Po: - That's Viper. -
Sun Ce: - It's time guys! Charge! -
The group of members of the Imperial Guard and the Jade Guard charged head-on, towards the disoriented soldiers who did not know which was worse, the explosion behind them, or the gates of the walls that opened for no reason. It all happened so fast, that those closest to the entrance couldn't even turn around before their opponents brought them down with the onslaught.
Po: - Use blunt weapons! They are not our enemies! -
Jade Guard and Imperial Guard: - Yes! -
Po's voice rose from the fray, who with his bare fists hurled the heavily armored soldiers through the skies. His blows were powerful like a cannonball, but they weren't deadly. Sun Ce and his followers left their halberds behind, and instead brandished huge warhammers, as large as some of the soldiers they faced, simply taking care not to deal any fatal blows to their opponents. Finally, Hong and the members of the Jade Guard used their classic riot batons, trying not to face the larger soldiers, which they left to the hands of the imposing rhinos.
If the situation of the soldiers was already precarious enough and confusion reigned among the ranks, it was much worse to see Po, "The Dragon Warrior," battling against his companions. As the keeper of peace, Po's mere presence should mean that everything should return to its natural order, not create more chaos. The soldiers, who were fully aware of their feats and abilities, doubted on many occasions whether to face these mysterious opponents or not. And to make his confusion worse, at his side were Sun Ce, the captain of the Imperial Guard, and Hong, the former sergeant of the Jade Guard. "What the hell was going on?" They wondered over and over again.
The fray, already inside the city and away from the gates, continued at a constant pace by Po and his followers. They had managed to drive the soldiers back beyond the slums, and their advance seemed unstoppable.
Hong: - Where are the teachers Viper and Crane? Shouldn't they have come back? -
Po: - I don't know. Something bad must have happened. We have to get to the Imperial Palace before it's too late. -
Then, a loud voice echoed from behind the ranks of the soldiers. A voice that stopped the advance of Po and his group dead.
????: - Soldiers! - Like thunder, the words ran through the battlefield. - Don't hesitate! Don't hesitate! No matter who your opponent is, you must fight! Fight for justice and peace for all of China! -
Everyone raised their heads, seeing the silhouette of a huge rhino running at the front of the formation, followed by a small group of elite soldiers, among which were other rhinos and water buffalo. The one who was in front wore armor more showy than the rest, and of better quality. His bearing and his entrance to the battlefield, there was only someone who could do such a thing.