delicate • chaelisa

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Communication is key.

That's what Lisa always said–as the free personal therapist of her friend group–whenever one of her friends start to ask about how to resolve their romantic problems. Lisa was deemed pretty wise beyond her age by her friends. (Unfortunately though, she couldn't really practice what she advised people.)

Once, Lisa's friend Minnie complained to her that her boyfriend's snoring annoyed the hell out of her, and Lisa told her to communicate a way so the two would have a way to still be intimate despite the differences. At another occassion, Jungkook–who used to be her good friend during high school–ranted at Lisa and asked her how to calm himself down every time his boyfriend played games instead of spending time with him during their date nights, and as expected Lisa told him to communicate with his boyfriend and talk the problem out so they would come up with an answer, a resolution between the couple. Nonetheless, Lisa found it hard to talk her way out.

Ever since Lisa was a child, her parents would neglect her a lot. She was often a shadow and her voice would drown in the noises of TV or the chatters and bickers of her older siblings. So, she found herself not really speaking up her needs, especially when she knew her opinions didn't really matter to her family anyways.

Lisa was lucky to grow up and finally move out to live in a healthier environment. Though her nasty little studio apartment was far from liveable, at least she didn't have to deal with her blood family and she could bond with her found family–her not so small friend group she would forever be thankful of.

At college, Lisa didn't have that amazingly dashing social life. She wasn't a mega-star that people would gush over, but she had a group of people she would hang out with a lot of times, albeit during classes or outside classes. From her computer science major, she had Minnie, Bambam, Sorn and Ten–funny enough, they also came from Thailand and met coincidentally during the first day orientation, and because their energies matched each other so they became really close. Out of her major, she was also close with her girlfriend's dorm mates.

If there was a word to describe how Lisa felt when she knew she was going to be in the same university as her long time girlfriend, it would probably be exhilirated—though that still wouldn't be enough to define so. Lisa only stayed in Thailand until middle school so when she moved to South Korea in high school, naturally she felt terribly lonely. Nevertheless, Chaeyoung was incredibly friendly towards her and the two started developing romantic feelings between one another, so they started dating.

Chaeyoung lived in the dormitory near her campus where the majority of her classes took place. She took art major and when she first became a freshman, she was placed in a room with two other girls–a sweet freshman named Jennie and a fun quirky junior named Jisoo–who were in the same major as her, though it was kind of unfortunate for her to be placed with a dating couple.

Even though Lisa was shy at first, but she managed to befriend Chaeyoung's roommates. Initially, Lisa's intention was purely to get to know Chaeyoung's roommates and help them make Chaeyoung feel comfortable, but the four girls seemed to get along nicely so they hung out a lot in the dorm or at cafes and the library.

So, when Jennie told Lisa that Chaeyoung might be uncomfortable with her touchiness, the information rubbed Lisa all in the wrong way.

Lisa's love language had always been physical touches. Whenever she met Chaeyoung, she would wrap her in a bone crushing tight hug like a wife hugging her husband who just came home from a war. She would kiss Chaeyoung on the cheeks when she walked out of her classes and ruffle her hair when she's concentrating on her study. During casual walks, Lisa would interlock her fingers with Chaeyoung's and even put their hands in her coat's pocket during cold winter days. She always loved giving kisses on the forehead, tickling and teasing Chaeyoung's earlobes and circling her arm on the older's waist or shoulders.

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