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There was a unexpected knock at the door, "Monnnnterrrrrooooo" the nurse said, "it's time for your immunization shot, so I can then release you" Montero told the nurse to come inside. The nurse greeted Montero and told him that he had a guest. "Hey Montero meet Jay, he will escort you to our Executioner Serenity today." Jay came inside and there he stood staring at Montero without saying a word. "Hmmmm so your the Damnn one"Jay then watched as the nurse gave Montero his immunization shots and soon released him to Jay. Jay watched up to Montero and grabbed his shoulder as a holographic snake wrapped around both and of them teleporter them to the executioner's hub where Serenity was waiting. "Wait can you teleport me back to my apartment in Hilman??" Jay tells Montero that he would love to allow him to go back home but he has a mission to complete...

Jay then summoned a holographic snake that teleported both him and Montero to the Executioners hub where Serenity reside. "Ok are you ready to meet our Excutioner?" Jay said to Montero as he took out his walkie talkie to request a transport too Serenity.

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