Chapter 20

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"You're what?" TJ shrieks, spitting his cookie all over my face. I wipe it off with the back of my left hand as I take a deep breath. "I'm accompanying her, that's all. As friends." "As friends." "And I'm supposed to believe you?"TJ scoffs taking out a pack of mint treasures from the table. "Last time  I checked, you and Amara were definitely more than friends. Come on man, I'm your best friend. Do you except me to believe that you are helping her out of pure -what- friendship? Nuh-uh. Not believing one inch of it." "Fine. Maybe not. But that's not the point. She needs me, or she needs comfort. Let's say I'll be her emotional support teddy bear for the day." I hear myself chuckle. "Okay, first of all, you're not a teddy bear, more like a grizzly, and second of all, you weren't much of a help when I broke up with Lindsey, so I doubt that you'll be much of a help to her." He says, running his hand through his thick blonde curls. "Not fair man. That was more than five years ago. I've matured." "You've matured." "Yes. Trust me. I'll do my best."

Christmas weekend was in a week. Amara had sent me all of the details of the journey, and was rummaging like crazy through my closet, in hope to find something decent for me to wear. "No. Not decent enough. Pff. What the fuck is wrong with your closet Ethan, do you ever shop?" She'd been bitching about my closet and clothes for about half an hour, and it was starting to drive me nuts. "Amara, insulting my closet isn't going to make things better. Plus, you're hurting it's feelings." I couldn't think about something more ridiculous than a wardrobe having feelings, but I couldn't come up with something better. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know a piece of wood was able to contract physical emotion. Tell me again how you got into university." she grinned, throwing more clothes on my bed. "Okay, stop stop!" "If you keep throwing my clothes on my bed, you'll end up triggering an earthquake. I'm here. What could I do to help you out." "Do you have a grey suit?" Amara sighed, turning her face away from me. "No. But I do have a beige suit. It's in Jeremiah's closet. Do you want me to go get it?" I whispered in a soothing tone. "Yes. Yes please." "Okay then. Feeling better?" She sighed of relief. "Yes. I'm sorry I'm such a pain. It's just, I don't know, I'm stressed? I guess?" "That's fine. That's why I'm here. I'll be back in a second." "Okay." I heard her say, as I walked out of my bedroom to head to Jeremiah's.


It was loud tonight at Hattie's. The atmosphere was buzzing and everyone was laughing. Training had gone brilliantly and coach was really pleased with us. We were even congratulated by a meal at the pub, all expenses spared by both our coaches. We had only one match to win in order to qualify in the state championship, and coach was saying it looked good for us. "Listen up. In less than a month, we're facing the Penguins. I know they've been you're biggest adversary. But good news, Peter Mitchell, their goalie, has been suspended from the tournament, due to non-sportsmanship behaviour. This means that his position will be taken on by a less experienced player. That doesn't mean you have to cut them some slack. On the contrary, push them to their limits, and make them crack. I don't want any of you screwing up because of ego." He spoke with panache. I admired him. Coach was tough but he was a good coach. Always pushing us to the limits of our bodies and mentality. Sure it was difficult, but it payed. We were one of the top teams in the region, and NHL were looking closely at us. "Hell yeah!" Vinnie shouted from the end of the table, smashing his pint of beer on the table, shaking the whole table. An echo of 'Yeah!' or 'fuck yeah' was heard in unison from the little booth we were sitting and some laughters. We were having fun when the screen of my phone suddenly lit up.


preston : hey friend, change of plans. The trains have been cancelled for the weekend so I booked us a flight instead. don't worry, I'll pay the difference. I'll email you the link
me : what's wrong with taking the train?
preston: did you read what I wrote? Trains. Cancelled. All weekend. Due to snow on the tracks.
me : oh.
preston : is there a problem?
me : uhm, no. Not at all.
preston : then great. See you Saturday. Pick me up at 9.
me : am??
preston : yes
me : I just read the email. The flight's at 1pm. Why the fuck would we leave 4 hours early??
preston : I like to be organised
me : *thumbs up

Well great. I was totally fine accompanying her all the way to Michigan, in fact I was pleased to. I had been pleased to take the train. I liked the train. I did not like taking the plane. Its probably stupid, but I was afraid that it'd just, fall. I know it's technically impossible but it'd still freak the hell out of me. Can you blame me? My uncle died of the only deadly plane crash that happened in the century. Reassuring, right?

"So you're telling me you guys are just friends?" Imogen asks, dipping he spoon in the chocolate pudding in front of her. "For the gazillionth time, yes." "But you're flying with her, to the other side of the country, just to mentally support her?" "That's right." "As friends?" "Of course." She takes another bite and smirks at me. "Does this friend have a boyfriend?" "Imogen what the fuck. You can't ask me that?" "Why? Because she's your girlfriend-oh I'm sorry-friend." She teased flicking some chocolate coulis on my plate. "No. It's not like that. And stop playing with your food, you're not a baby" "Ethan Patrick Crawford. I've known you my whole life. You can't lie, or you lie really badly. I'm your sister, you can tell me. Believe it or not, I could actually help you." "I don't need help Imogen, but thank you." "All right never mind" she sighs, turning her attention back to her dessert. "Gosh, that's amazing. I've missed sugary desserts." She finishes her plate and as the server's about to take her plate she lets out. "Still, I think you should talk to her about the way you feel about her." "I'm sorry?" Did I misunderstand. Since when did my little sister, know what was happening between us. She seemed to have caught my lost-looking expression. "I'm not blind Ethan. Do you want me to spread it out for you? Okay, first of all, you're terrified of planes, which is not practical considering you want to be a NHL player, but that's not the point, and flying with a girl friend -not girlfriend of course- to the other side of America. Second of all, you were blushing when I told she was your girlfriend, and lastly, I didn't see a smile that big since when dad bought you a PS4 for your birthday when you were 10 when she texted you. I'm just saying, from what you've told me, I think she likes you too. As a 'friend'" "Okay, admitting that I do like her, hypothetically of course." "Of course." "Do you really think i should tell her?" "I thought you didn't want my help." She grinned laying her further on the back of her seat. "I never said that-never mind. Anyways it's not even important because she doesn't want a relationship. With my schedule and hers, we would never manage it. It'd be a nightmare. Like an actual Freddy Krueger nightmare." "They all say that. Open your eyes Ethan." Imogen was right. I had to tell her. I didn't know what I was going to tell her but I had to tell her something. There was something going on between us, no doubt of it. I was just afraid that by having this discussion, it'd change things between us. I never had something like this with a girl in my entire life, or even near, and I didn't know what to do with it. I had made up my mind. After the trip, I was going to talk to her. She had the right to know how I felt towards her. I paid the bill, hugged my sister goodbye and went over to my car. When I arrived home, it was silent. Not one sound. I took advantage of the moment and slumped down on the sofa. Without realising it, I fell asleep for the next 5 hours. I woke up at 11pm and decided to pack my bag. I double checked if I had taken everything and closed my suitcase. Im scared shitless to fly overseas but Amara doesn't need to know that. Taking the plane still freaked me out as fuck, but taking the plane with her bizarrely didn't seem as scary. Maybe she was going to be my emotional support teddy for the weekend.

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