You Have Five Seconds & This Is Your Chance

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I stare at the large, white building, a bouquet of red roses in my hands. This is it, I'm gonna try and get Liam back.

I slowly walk up the large, marble stairs and push the wide doors open. I enter a huge lobby, my combat boots hitting against the black and white tiled floor. I look around seeing black sofas placed to the left near the fireplaces. There's a chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling, wood beams accompanying the huge light fixture.

I pace towards the front desk with my flowers in my hand and my heart in my throat. There's a pretty woman behind the desk. Long, dark, brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. Tan, clear skin, green eyes, and full lips. She has light makeup on and she's pretty. I look the shiny nametag posted on her dress. Sophia.

She looks up at me with a wide smile, "Hello, sir, how may I help you?"

"Um yeah, I'm here to see Liam Payne" I bite my lip nervously.

"Do you have an appointment with Mr. Payne, sir?" She asks politely.

"Um...yeah" I lie.

"Okay, can I have your name, sir?"

"M-my name?"

"Uh yeah you're name, you got one when you were born" She looks at me like I'm stupid.

I sigh, "Okay I don't have an appointment but I really need to see him, this is urgent."

"I'm sorry, sir but I can't let you see Mr. Payne without an appointment."

"Please?" I give her the best puppy look I can muster.

"Cute but no, I'm sorry. You'll have to go sir" She says.

"Look I'm in love with him, okay? And I made the biggest mistake by letting him go, now I really need to see him. I need to speak with him, I want him back. I know that he still loves me and I need to show him that I love him too, okay?" I rush out. Maybe it wasn't the best to tell her that but oh well.

Her eyes widen, "So you're the one who's made him like this?"

"What?" My eyebrows furrow. What the hell does she mean by that?

"Liam's been...well more...aggressive and authoritative lately. I can tell something's up with him, like something's bothering him. I figured it was a guy but now I know for sure. You're the one who's turned him into this...stressed grizzly bear" She says.

"Um yeah, I guess you can say that. And unless you still want him to be this stressed grizzly bear, I suggest you let me see him" I say.

"He's on the eighth floor, has the office with the double glass doors, his name's printed on it. You can't miss it" She smiles.

"Thank you, thank you so much" I say before running off to the elevator.

I enter it and quickly mash the button with '8' printed on it. As the door closes, I lean against the cold wall, taking breathing exercises to try and calm my nerves that are shooting through the roof. Jeez I really hope that Liam forgives me.

The doors beep then open and I walk out, seeing tons of desk and people in suits and dresses roam about the establishment. I take a left by guess and read every door. I don't see Liam's office anywhere so I ask the blonde who walks by.

"Excuse me, do you know where Liam Payne's office is?"

"Yeah, you took a left inside of a right, hun. He's the other direction, keep walking, there's double glass doors, you can't miss him" She smiles and I smile back, mumbling a small thank you then jogging towards the other direction.

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