Chapter 10, "Overconfident"

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So after that..."fateful" re-encounter we head back to the pokemon center to heal ourselves and head back to go find the last trainer at the top, but on the way I found this other guy that was near where I fought Lucas. He was in a green sunhat with an orange and white shirt standing against the wall, he looked a bit older and actually watched the entire fight.

"Hey kid, what you did back there was pretty cool, helping all those people and standing up to someone like him."

"Oh...thanks, that's the first time I've ever had someone actually congradulate me on a win. So are you into any pokemon?"

"Oh nah Im not really into all that pokemon trainer stuff, all I know is he's like the strongest guy in the business, his name is...Lenny or something like that? Oh well, thanks alot for helping out Silph Co, take this."

He had a poke ball in his hand and placed it in mine, the name Lapras was written on it and tossed it to me.

"Woah, a Lapras! I've heard about these things, apparently there really rare...but, I don't think I need it."

"Oh you don't want it?"

"Nope, I mean I've already got all I need in my team already, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Nothings touching us, we'll fight the most powerful pokemon and still win!"

I tossed it back.

"Welp, if that's how you feel then I won't stop ya, just come find me in the city if you ever change your mind. I'll be watching you and your team next time your in a big battle on TV, I'm rooting for you."

He left just like that, I never got to ask his name, although as he headed out I could see a tiny bit of red hair under the hat.

Also I HAVE A FAN!!!

Anyways we finally reach the top of the tower, for real this time and there we find the last Rocket trainer...Giovanny?! He's the last guy up here, didn't I just beat you like an hour ago?

"Stop right there make any move and I'll...wait a minute, I recognise you, your the boy from the hideout! I'll have you know that *something something, yada yada yada*" yeah sorry wasn't really listening, 445/Gengar showed me a cool trick about stealing my nose.

"Hey didn't I like just beat you a few chapters ago?"

"A few what?"


The fight starts with Peanut/Vapoureon taking out half his team but being walled by kangeskan so we sent out Vegeta who with bulk up managed to easily wipe his whole team which was a really cool sight.

Now that we've freed Saffron City and eradicated the rockets we can FINALLY get back to gym challenges, and I'm gonna have to really step it up, Lucas has been clearing these gyms back to back with ease while I've been wasting time saving peoples lives.

For legal reasons this was a joke.

So first things first, we need to find out who's at the top of our hitlist and I know just the guy. Back in Fushia City we can go fight Koga the poison type gym specialist who gives you the toxic tm if you beat him which would be pretty handy for Big mom/chansey to have. Now we just need a plan...

Yeah I won't hold you for long I just spammed psychic with 445/Gengar. It's crazy just how big of a counter she is to this gym huh.

On the way out Koga did name drop Lucas and how he was here only a few minutes ago. I tried asking him what he thought of him and he said something like:
"Oh uh him? Yeah he'"
He didn't seem too genuine though.

Next on the gym challenger list is Sabrina the psychic type gym specialist. Since I was on a good win streak with gyms I just thought I could walts in with Big mom and tank all the special attacks and headed straight in, although the leader didn't seem happy to see me and we start going into a nice friendly back and forth.

"Greetings Ness, my name is Sabrina, I am the psyc-"

"Oh yeah Sabrina, I've heard about you on TV! No real need for intro-
Wait how do you know who I am?"

"I've had psychic powers since I was born and have been harnessing them from a young age. Also you have your trainer card out. I don't suggest yo-"

"Great, everything's all set, let's battle, I'll only need one pokemon to beat you!"

"y'know it's rude to interrupt someone mid sentence. I was going to say how you seem like another overconfident, below average intelligence child but you seem to not care ab-"

"Huh...? Oh sorry, wasn't listening, I think my dog pissed on your floor, but he's a water type so it shouldn't be dirty. Anyways names Ness and I'm gonna be the best Rookie Nuzlocker in the world!"

"What's a nuzlocker?"

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