Chapter 33

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Watching over Harry as he curled up on my bed, he's been like this for about a week now, it being Tuesday and cold out. I wanted to curl up right next to that cute little hybrid, i wanted to hug him and let him cry up against my chest. He seemed to not want to talk about anything though, he seemed to quiet for my liking and it was making me feel more like crap. I care way too much for that boy and him shutting me out again is not only hurting me but he's hurting himself with bottling it all up as if nothing is wrong. I had told Niall about what had happened with that fucking rainbow headed douche bag that had to come over and ruin things. Sitting at the edge of my bed while rubbing Harry's left foot in my hands, feeling up his calf as i felt the muscles tighten under my touch. The way he mumbled a few words under his breath, letting me know that he was indeed sleeping. Knitting my brows together, i felt further up as i could feel beneath my finger tips...Little scars that i haven't noticed before. Lifting the blanket up just a bit, i peeked underneath just to catch the light skin that had scarred over a few hairs. Feeling deeply bad for what he had to have gone through while living out on the streets or with those pieces of trash called parents of his. I wanted to do everything in my power to have him feel safe in my arms, to make him think that there is nothing out there that can hurt him while being with me. Pulling the sheet back down as i stood up to stretch my back out, letting my arms fall to my sides as i looked down at his peaceful face.

''Knock knock, sorry but you weren't answering the front door and i didn't know if something bad had happened or not. Mind if i stay for a few hours or so?'' Looking over at where Louis had been standing, pity written all over that thin face of his. He held out a teddy bear that had the words 'I'm Sorry' stitched into the red heart that little bear was holding.

''Come on in mate, i'm staying in this room with Harry though. Don't want him alone, he's been acting out when he's by himself and i'm talking about him clawing up the place and crying out of nowhere. I don't know what's wrong with him Lou....I can't deal with him being so sad all the time, it makes me upset and it makes me feel like i had done something wrong. I...I love him and i can't help but want to be there for him every step of the way mate. You have no idea how hard it is to keep him calm and to have him feel loved when no one else is showing it. He's been through so much and it helps me a whole lot, it helps me feel like i'm doing something right when i see him smile or hear his laughter ring through my ears.'' Looking back over at the ear twitching snoring man, he looked so adorable while sleeping and it makes me want to cuddle him close to my body and never let him go. Checking for louis reaction, he didn't say anything but smile up at me. ''What? I can't help it mate, he's changed me so much and i didn't even know that i can have strong feelings for someone of the total opposite.'' Feeling pretty embarrassed for admitting something like this to my closest friend other than Niall and Liam, i wanted to so badly hug Harry in front of him but what would his reaction be?

''Mate i know you care about him and all which is totally awesome since you look a lot happier and i'm glad to see you this way. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, knowing that your finally happy with someone other than that slut whose been bringing you down. I know you couldn't see that before but trust me, you didn't look happy with her. You seemed like you were but you weren't deep down inside, oh and um...About a week ago and how i kind of commented on harry's outfit. I had no idea that something like that would come out of my mouth and especially towards someone i don't like, i guess he just looked good enough to compliment and i felt bad since the outfit was too damn small for his bigger figure.'' He shrugged as if it were no big deal, Smirking down at the eye rolling lad who acted like none of this was real. ''Stop looking at me like that, i don't think he's hot and i most certainly don't like that fucking creepy thing that we call human or cat. He's nothing to me and i know he's just a fling to you so stop it.'' Okay that fucking pissed me off but i don't have time to just stand around and argue with this arsehole. shaking my head, i don't think i can ever win an argument with the Sass master anyways but maybe harry can since he did shut the man up a few times already.

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