lonely me

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Why does my heart feel heavy and sore,
When you step away and close the door,
Even for a moment, it seems like an eternity,
I feel hurt and lost without your vicinity.

I know you have errands to run and things to do,
But my mind starts to wander, and my thoughts brew,
I wonder if I am not important or special,
If there's someone else who is more crucial.

The feeling of being left behind and forgotten,
Leaves me feeling alone and downtrodden,
I value your presence in my life, more than words can say,
And your absence makes me feel incomplete all day.

But why do I need to feel this way,
Why can't I just love you come what may,
Why should I be so needy and dependent,
When you are always there, dependable and consistent.

I realize I am only being paranoid,
And these feelings need to be destroyed,
I need to stop this self-sabotage,
And trust that our relationship can withstand any barrage.

So let me stop with this self-inflicted pain,
And accept that sometimes, we need to be apart to gain,
But know that my love for you will always remain,
And together, we will weather any storm or rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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