Saturday 3rd September 1994 - Slytherin Common Room 7:26am
"Good morning" Lorenzo said as Blaise came down the dorm room stairs. Lorenzo had been sitting on the common room sofa since 7am. He had passed the time by reading a book about mystical curses. He was wearing blue jeans with an oversized white t-shirt that had the graphic of the Irish quidditch team. He was wearing a pair of green converse shoes with his jacket swung over the back of the sofa.
Blaise however was dressed head to toe in all black, he wore black trousers with a solid black t-shirt, accessorised with a sliver necklace with a cross hanging directly in the centre."Morning. How long you been up?" Blaise asked as he slumped down next to Lorenzo on the sofa.
"Woke up at 6:30, was down here by 7, just been reading" Lorenzo shrugged as he closed his book and dropped it onto the coffee table in front of him.
"What about the others?" Blaise asked
"Haven't seen anyone else. They'll be down soon i bet" Lorenzo replied as he checked his watch. 7:29am
As if on cue, Draco and Theo came slugging down the stairs into the common room. Draco dramatically threw himself onto the sofa opposite whilst Theo stood behind it."I will never understand why we have to be awake so early on the weekend" Draco whined as he buried his head into a cushion on the sofa.
"You could have stayed in bed, only you would have had no breakfast" Blaise told him, causing Draco to shoot him a annoyed look.
The boys waited in the common room, talking quietly as other students began to leave for breakfast. Draco began to get restless waiting, which caused Blaise to throw him a random breakfast bar he had in his pocket.
Mattheo came downstairs a few moments later, he went straight over to the boys.
"Girls are running late, they said to go ahead without them" He shrugged and began walking towards the portrait hole. The others looked between each other before getting up and following behind him, non faster than Draco."Why are they running late? Clothes or hair?" Theo asked smirking as he walked up the dungeon stairs with his hands in his pocket.
"Pansy didn't really say, all i know is she was in Katie's dorm and i didn't see Katie" Mattheo shrugged
"Wait, you didn't check?" Lorenzo asked, stopping in front of all of them in the corridor. "What if somethings wrong?"
"Nothings wrong. Pansy was acting normally and they'll be just a few minutes behind us" Mattheo told him, nudging forward to keep walking.
"But they never make us go to breakfast without them" Lorenzo challenged. He was walking slower than the other, looking at Mattheo with suspicion
"Well, theres always a first time. Plus we need to get the seats" Mattheo said casually as they reached the hall directly opposite the Great Hall. Lorenzo looked behind them at the mix of Slytherin and Hufflepuff students all heading for breakfast before entering the Great Hall.
The boys all walked over to the Slytherin table and grabbed their usual seats, Draco looked around at all the food before asking everyone what they wanted. Blaise instantly went for some cereal whilst Draco was deciding between fried and scrambled egg. Mattheo and Lorenzo began looking through the jams for their toast whilst Theo began creating his own English breakfast on his plate.
Soon the boys had forgotten about what Lorenzo had been saying and became immersed in conversation about their breakfasts and the weekend.———————————————————————————————
Katie's dorm room - 7:45am"Why didn't you tell him?" Pansy asked as she continued to brush her hair in front of Katie's vanity mirror.
"Because Pansy, i told you, i don't want the boys to know. Besides, there are other reasons i have the attacks" Katie responded as she finished putting on her tights.
"But still, having at least one of them in the know, that would be useful. It would stop them being so hands on with you" Pansy turned around and leaned her arm on the back of the vanity chair.
"We both know the boys are all quite touchy"Katie sighed as she began to put on her boots. She knew Pansy was right, the boys loved to hold and hug them, occasionally even kiss them on the cheeks. It was difficult, with the intense anxiety that Katie was now experiencing, that kind of behaviour would be hard to manage.
"All i have to do is step away from their contact. Our boys are too respectful to push like that" Katie shrugged as she put on her second boot."Okay, but i still think they should know" Pansy stood up and walked over to Katie
"If not now, then at least tell them before we graduate. They care about you remember?""I know" Katie responsed
"Good. Anyway, lets go to breakfast. I'm just dying for some toast, i wonder if they'll have that jam from last year" Pansy rambled as she took Katie's arm and left the dorm for the Great Hall.
The whole way to the Great Hall, Pansy and Katie were discussing what they were hoping would be served at breakfast, along with the picnic they were going to have later. Katie had managed to savour a few things from Dinner last night whilst the Boys had the task of sneaking into the kitchens for the rest of the food.
When they arrived at the Great Hall it was filled with students, all groggily buttering their toast and cutting their eyes. The hall wasn't quiet, it had the murmurs of excited and sleepy students buzzing in the air.
Katie and Pansy looked over at the Slytherin table and noticed the boys all sat together. Beside Theo and Blaise were two empty spaces. The girls hurried over, both their stomachs craving the delicious food that was lined down the tables. As they took their seats, the both hurried to grab something to eat before the headmaster began his announcement.They managed to take a couple bites before Professor Dumbledore took the stand and began to explain how the Goblet of Fire would be open for submission today and the champions would be chosen tomorrow afternoon. The boys all looked bored by this idea whilst many other students in the hall got excited.
"Who you recons putting their name in?" Mattheo asked as he began to cut up his fried egg
"Not many thats for sure" Blaise nodded over to where the Goblet was, there was a blue ring floating just above the ground around the Goblet.
"What the hell is that?" Lorenzo asked
"An age line" Pansy stated bluntly as she grabbed a hash brown, they all looked at her to elaborate. She rolled her eyes
"Basically means no one below a certain age can step into the circle, so nobody below 21 i assume can put their name in since they can't cross the line. It's very self explanatory" She continued to eat once again"Imagine if our house had the champion" Theo said gazing at the Goblet
"Eternal glory for a Slytherin? Please, we all have enough in our lives, lets not be greedy" Blaise told the others
"Most of our house come from rich pureblood families, we don't need anything more than we have" he shruggedHe was right, there were plenty students in other houses who needed to win more than anyone in Slytherin. It seemed greedy to take that away from another person. However, that wouldn't stop older Slytherins from applying. Blaise, Mattheo, Pansy and Katie all saw the tournament as a ridiculous risk that wasn't worth taking. Whether that was because they already had riches, or because they had common sense one could never tell. However, Draco, Theo, and Lorenzo were mesmerised by the entire thing. They each began theorising what the Champions would have to do and how long it would take. Swiftly everyone in the Great Hall was engrossed in conversation to do with the tournament whilst finishing their breakfasts