4-14: Going Forward (Spider 82 & Apex 10)

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Spider 82:

Taboo: [Atone]

(So, after my fight with Mother, where I made the very mistake Araba told me not to make.

You can imagine his disappointment when I told him, but let's forget about the lecture.

I also finally introduced him to my [Multi-Minds] sisters.

Which...well, let's just say there were a lot of 'WTF!?' in the chat and me panicking to convince them not to nuke him with Magic on sight.

In hindsight, I should have teleported somewhere else to explain what happened to them before going to Araba.

Thank goodness Majikku 1 was level-headed enough to help me calm the others down.)

Majikku 1: So we are killing him after we get to this Lost Neon?

(Except for that. Nai wa.

The plan now is to head north through Kasanagara then swim out into the ocean to reach Lost Neon, where we can grind Exp hunting the strongest normal Monsters in this world.

To prepare for my showdown with the Demon Lord.

Since Araba knows where it is, he is leading the way.)

We are not killing him, ever.

Majikku 1: Why? He tried to kill us before. What is to say he won't again?

I have been hanging with him long enough to know we can trust him.

He just wants to see us reach our full potential as a warrior or something.

But he is still willing to cater to our wellbeing and desires, not ignoring them like the so-called 'teachers' did back in our old life.

He accepts us, and wishes the best for and of us.

Like Miss Oka, a proper adult you can say, looking after the next generation.

He even stood up to Dick-

Majikuu 1: Pfft, are you talking about D?

Yep and he said that she has to kill him to keep him down for good, how cool is that?

Majikku 2-9: Very!

Taboo: [Atone]

Majikku 1: ...You talk about him like he's your dad or something.

...Y'know what, he basically is.

I am calling him Arapa from now on.

Majikku 1: Are you kidding me right now?

Nope, and come on, it's a dream come true.

We finally have a proper parental figure in our life!

Majikku 2-9: Really? Woohoo!

Majikku 1: We are definitely getting ahead of ourselves here.

Eh, maybe, but life is too short to dawdle on concerns holding us back from enjoying life.

I ain't gonna miss out on this.

(I jumped onto Arapa's back.)

Arapa: <What are you doing?>

<Taking a nap here, don't mind me.>

Arapa: <You have [Exhaustion Nullification], you don't need sleep.


<Nope, ain't listening, I have gone on long enough without my beauty sleep.

Night night.>

(I made myself a bed on his back and brought out my Kirby plushie.

Haven't got the chance to sleep with this for a good while now, since I deliberately tucked it away when Fei was around to keep up my image, and then a bunch of other shit happened.)

Night night.

Majikku 2-9: Night night.

Taboo: [Atone]

Majikku 1: ...


Oh come on, Majikku 1.

We can only sleep if we all do it.

Majikku 1: First, you haven't taught us this Draconium language, we are taking your word for when it comes to interpreting what That is saying. Secondly, what makes you think it's a good idea to fall asleep when there is a Monster right here? Thirdly-

Oh my gosh I don't care!

I am too tired for this shit right now!

Just let me sleep already!

Majikku 2-9: Yeah, eating Mother's Soul was exhausting, we want to sleep too now!

Majikku 1: ...Nai wa, fine, but you will have hell to pay in hell if we die.

Finally, and sure, it's a deal.

Majikku 1: Nai wa, you were supposed to be the best of us, Interu.

And I am sick of living up to expectations, so fuck off.

Night night.

Majikku 2-9: Night night.

Majikku 1: This better be worth it.


Apex 10:

Hiiro Wakaba, or as I have come to learn who is the original of her [Multi-Minds], Interu, is now sound asleep on my back after a conflict of interest I sensed in her.

Probably between her and her [Multi-Minds].

Said Skill is not meant to be turned on all the time, as the copies can easily diverge too much and create out of control conflict in the mind, severely hindering decision making.

I told her to turn it off to reabsorb her copies to prevent that, but she refuses because she doesn't want to kill her 'sisters'.

How shortsighted.

I was impressed by her sudden increase in power, until I learnt that she failed to heed my words and also got herself killed.

Still, to think that she has not only found a never before seen way to use [Multi-Minds] and the connection of [Kin Control] to devour the Soul of another, she also didn't have [Multi-Minds] for so many of her recent battles, including our duel, and yet managed to handle so much on her own.

Truly, she has unmatched potential.

Which makes it all the more frustrating that she clearly failed to learn the lesson of getting too comfortable.

Falling asleep of all things, and outright refusing to listen to me.

She is becoming difficult.

{ Elder: <Maybe, but most are not as insensitive as you.

The emotional toll of not having a safespace to fall back into will wear us out.> }

...She is still young I suppose.

And a former Human on top of that.

I am sure she will grow out of it eventually.

For now, I guess I just have to put up with her lousiness.

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