Bonus Chapter 1

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" Anywhere with you is everywhere I want to be. "

                -J. Iron Word


Third Person POV~

2 years before the epilogue

"Akhil, did you call the electrician?" Pree asked coming out of the bedroom and Akhil sat at the dining table typing an email.

"Yup, he'll be coming tomorrow morning. Pree, can you please make a cup of tea? My head is hurting!"

"On it husband!" she gave him a thumbs up and walked inside the kitchen to prepare his tea.
Akhil had been at home for the last three months as the company he worked for was shut down. He decided to work on his startup with Vivaan and Riya on board.

"Here's your tea!" Preeti placed their cups on the table and also got a few biscuits to have with the tea.

"Pree get me the file from that drawer na please," he said when Preeti was just about to sit.

"Pschh Akhil!" she whined but eventually walked towards the drawer when he mouthed a  please with pleading eyes. "Here," she forwarded the file toward him.

"Can you open the envelope inside, please? I'm writing this email and it's to be sent in a few minutes," he said with eyes dug into his laptop.

Preeti sighed and placing the file on the table she opened the envelope inside it. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when instead of some papers she saw plane tickets with Akhil's name on it. Akhil tearing his gaze from the laptop screen observed her from the corner of his eyes.

"Are you going somewhere?" she questioned in surprise. Akhil stopped typing and stood up from his chair. He held her by her shoulders and said, "Not just me but both of us."


"It's a vacation the doctor recommended for you, and for me our still pending Honeymoon wifey!" A small smile lingered on his face while telling her and that's when Preeti checked the other ticket with her name on it.

"Akhil this..." She looked at him but her expression wasn't something he expected. He thought she would be happy and smiling and would take him into a hug but she looked at him in disbelief."W-Were'nt you expecting this? Y-You don't want to go?"

"No Akhil I would love to go but...But right now your priority should be your start-up. You-you lost the job, Akhil. I don't want you to spend money right now. I-I mean I'm happy but..."

"Shh..." he placed a finger on her lips shutting her up.

"Your husband has saved enough to afford a trip right now Mr.Agnhiotri. As I said the doctor has recommended a vacation for you. A change of environment is necessary for you right now Jaan." he stroked her cheek while talking.

"You sure? We can use that money for your start-up."

"Jaan, I've planned everything perfectly. You don't need to worry baba," he assured and Preeti finally smiled. "Now can I please get a hug I've been waiting for minutes!"

Preeti chuckled and tip-toeing pecked his lips. "How about this Mr. Aghniotri?" 

He gave her a full-blown smile and like always she was blown away by it. Nothing can ever change her love for his smile.
"This works the best! But wouldn't I be happier had it lasted a minute longer?" he asked in a husky voice, his lips coming closer to hers.

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