They have to do what?

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Heyy, I'm back with another chapter. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of proud of myself for not taking a month to upload part 2.

However, I'm starting to lose motivation again. So, it might take some until the next part. If you didn't know it already, I struggle with getting motivated and keeping motivation.

I hope you enjoy this part :)


Alex was running his hands through Henry's hair while reading something on his phone when a doctor came in. Henry, who was watching through the big window, turned his head around immediately. Alex could see the fear in his eyes.

"Hello your Royal Highness, I would have liked to meet you under different circumstances." Said the doctor, reaching his hand out to Henry who was still lying flat on his back.

"Hello, you can call me Henry" answered Henry in a shaky voice, reaching his arm out to shake the man's hand. After shaking Henry's hand, the doctor came over to Alex to shake his hand too. They exchanged pleasantries for a moment. It almost seemed like the doctor was trying to lighten up the mood before he crushed everything with bad news.

"All right, how is the pain?" asked the doctor while checking over Henry's vitals.

"It's starting to hurt more, is that normal?"

"Yes, it is completely normal because your painkillers are wearing off. I'll send a nurse in after our conversation to give you another dose." Said the doctor. Henry nodded, not really knowing what to say.

"The surgery that we performed a few hours ago was just damage control, we took the piece out so it wouldn't damage your spinal cord any more but we didn't fix anything. So you will definitely have to undergo another surgery in the next few days. We have to do some tests before we know what to do in this second surgery. We know it's already quite late and we need you to rest a lot, so that's why we will do these tests tomorrow. We will start with a CT scan and an MRI. We might need to do some other tests, depending on what we find."

Alex looked at his lover. Henry looked like he wanted to cry. Instead, he just swallowed. He looked him in the eyes in a way that told Alex to speak because he couldn't do it at the moment.

"All right. That's okay. I will make sure he rests enough." Said Alex, looking at the doctor again.

"Good. If he does not rest enough, it will make the pain worse and we all don't want that, do we?"

Alex just nodded, glancing at Henry who was fiddling with the comforter of the white hospital bed. He didn't even think about it when he reached out and grabbed Henry's hand. He started rubbing the back of Henry's hand, successfully stopping the anxious habits of the other.

"There is however one thing that we still have to do today", the doctor paused looking at Henry, "since you are not allowed to sit up, let alone get up to go to the bathroom. We will have to situate a catheter. "

Henry's face fell almost immediately. He tried to say something, anything to not have that done to him, but all that came out was a series of buts with sobs in between.

Alex tried shushing him. He whispered comforting words in his ear, continued holding his hand and rubbed circles on its back. He even began playing with Henry's hair again, remembering it always made him calmer. Nothing worked however, Henry only got more worked up. So, Alex cupped his head in his hands and began tracing his fingers over Henry's cheeks, gently shushing him. When he finally succeeded in calming the older boy down, he gently wiped Henry's tears away and held his hand again.

"It's okay H, it won't be forever. Just until you get cleared to move properly"

"But what if I won't be able to move properly? What if I won't even be able to pee for myself?"

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