Its in you

411 69 39

"Keegan is here!.." Lena said seeing him coming from the window. "Right on cue... I knew it wouldn't take long and he looks as angry as hell..." she added.

Raheem took a deep breath he was not in the least bit happy to have to face him, after what had happened and him being a part of it. Lena opened the door to him.
"I guess you know about C...

"Keegan you have got to let her heal okay.."

"I need to..
He stopped speaking suddenly, and his lip curled as he spotted Raheem.
"You mother fucker!.." he flew for him, and Jensen got in the way stopping him. Keegan stared at his father. "Are you sticking up for this motherfucker now after what he did, with that bitch... Where even is that bitch?.." he went for Raheem again.

"Keegan cool it.." Jenson said. "Raheem is going to help us make sure that we get her....

"That bitch is gonna die... I don't care if she gave birth to me or not.. she lost me my wife... I'm gonna fuck her up completely...

"Get it straight Keegan, you lost yo wife" Jensen said, shoving his son. "You couldn't keep yo hands to yo self, you had to get physical with her... I told you a long time ago, I don't stand for that type of shit and I wasn't fucking kidding with you. I know that you were going through something when you did what you did... But it is not the first time that you have fucked with her on a physical or emotionally abusive level.." Jenson squared up to him. "So yo main focus is to fuck up Yasmin, she caused this... But don't ask us to tell you where charisma is, because none of us are gonna tell you, you got a lot of proving to do... and until you've done that, we are
protecting her from you. So what does that tell you son?"

Keegan looked at all of them. "Get me in front of that bitch Yasmin now."


Venice walked into the house. She shut the door and rolled her eyes at the state of the place. "Mitchel!" She Shouted. He came halfway down the stairs and looked at her. "What the hell is this mess... I go to work all day, I expect to come home to a tidy space and some peace.... But you can't even put away your own school stuff... And where is your sister?.."

"She's playing in her room.." Mitchel said. "Orion said it was okay for us to play..

"Venice... I thought I heard you, you're back early.." Orion said as he came out from the kitchen. Mitchel ran back up to his game. "I'm making a mean curry with some home made flat breads...

"What the hell is wrong with you?... look at this place?.. I'm out of the house with my head in business all day and I don't wanna come home to this...

"I wasn't expecting you yet, I would've had it all put away... I just wanted to get the food finished..." he started to pick up the kids bits and pieces. "You should have text..

"I should have text?... do you think I've got time for that?.. do you not think that I'm going out of my mind right now trying to sort shit out... my mom is out of action my dad is being the psychopath that he is ... I'm trying to run two businesses and then I come home to this, to you?."

Orion looked at her. "To me?... I'm doing my best here Venice... i'm working at the barbershop, I'm cooking for you, I'm cleaning the house, and picking the kids up from school and taking them to school... I'm here like your fucking house maid!..." he said annoyed at her.

Venice just blew all of a sudden she launched at him and she punched him, kicked him until he was trapped in a corner not able to move.
"VENICE!.." he called and he grabbed her wrists stopping her onslaught.

She stopped and looked at him. "Oh my god... Orion.. what the hell.. I'm sorry..."

He wiped the blood from his mouth and nose. "I'll plate up dinner for you and the kids and then I'm gonna need to get some air.." he walked towards the kitchen.


He turned and looked at her. "You talk about your father but what you just did is no different... I did nothing to provoke that... I moved here, because I love you, and I am running around after you and the kids, because I want to... Because I know that what you do is stressful and hard... But I do not expect you to come home and beat me because you've had a bad day... I will walk out of the door and never come back if you think you are ever gonna put your hands on me again.."

Venice sat on the stairs and she buried her face in her hands and she cried. She had never gone off like that before. She was stressed, still learning the ropes, holding the fort for her mother, also running the Mexican cartel. Trying to be a mother and a girlfriend and a good daughter, as well as an astute business woman.
Orion didn't deserve it, he really had been everything to her, she was so thankful for him. The way she acted left her worried that she was more like her fathers and she wanted to admit.
She text her sister.

Thea please tell me you're still here in Canada?... I have just done something terrible, and I really need to talk to you. I can't talk to Lani right now because she wouldn't understand. Please tell me you're still here and if you are can you come over for an hour please?

Hey, yeah me and Ricardo are leaving in the morning. Do I bring him, or is it just me that you need to see by myself?

Bring him, he'll be company for Orion while we talk, come soon please.

She looked towards the kitchen door, she could hear that he was busy out there, and she was at a loss of what to say or do next, but she knew she needed to make amends for lashing out like she did.


"... hey.... C?..."
Nash sat next to her on the bed. She was in tears. "My cooking is really not that bad, is it?."
He smiled.
"I know this is hard for you, I don't even begin to understand what you're going through....

"He ... promised ... me.." she struggled to get the words out.

"I know he did, he promised all of us... and you are going to go through every emotion there possibly as you try and deal with this. And I am going to be here for every single one. One day you're gonna be sad, crying and feeling sorry for yourself, and then the next day you're gonna be angry, and you are gonna want to get hold of him and want to fuck him up... And I'm down for that trust me..." he held her hand. "To think that you went through all of this alone with small kids all those years ago..." he shook his head. "It makes me feel sick to my stomach that a man could do this to a woman that he loves..."

"He's... ill...

"Don't excuse it.. just don't do that.." he paused. " Julia says that I can get you out of bed tomorrow and we can start making you use those legs again, the sooner you do that the quicker I'm gonna turn you into the boss bitch that you know you can be..." he smiled.

"I... want.. to... see... him...

Nash took a deep breath and raised his eyebrows. "Really think about that, because I am here and me and you are together I mean not in that sense, but we're here together... And he's gonna kick off all over again. Please think about it, let me get you better then you can face him again..."

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