2 Sand Clock

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Part 2 Sand Clock

Khushi blinked her eyes, looking at the sand clock. Was this the sand clock Uncle Nayak told about? She became excited. The thing she was having in her hand was a TIME MACHINE. She could not believe it. Her excitement touched its peak. She wanted to check it immediately.

She remembered an incident related to her grandfather. He asked her once if she could change the past, what would she change? As she was a little girl at that time, she didn't know what to answer. So, she asked her grandfather the same question. He replied.

"I will save Mahatma Gandhiji from his death"

Khushi remembered that. She decided to use the clock that way. She looked at the clock but she didn't know how to use it.

"Hey, clock take me to Birla House, New Delhi on 30th January 1948 at 5 pm" Saying, she turned the clock.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared at the Birla House in New Delhi on 30th January 1948. She looked at her surroundings excitedly. She saw Gandhiji slowly coming there. She ran her eyes at the crowd and found Godse. She rushed to the police and said,

"He has a gun... check him"

The policeman looked at her oddly who looked extremely modern.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter... catch him. Or else, he will kill Gandhiji" she shouted that dragging everyone's attention.

Godse tried to run away. The police blocked him and checked. They found a gun with him. They took him away and looked for Khushi. She again turned the clock and left the place with the satisfaction of saving Gandhiji.

She again came back to her old house and smiled happily.

Taking her phone, she surfed in Goggle about Gandhiji's death. She frowned seeing the same date and time of his death. She could not understand anything. She went to the past and stopped Godse from shooting Gandhiji. Then why didn't it change? She was confused. What kind of time machine was this? She looked at the clock shrinking.

Taking the teddy bear, she pulled the cotton stuff out. She saw a small hand diary in it. Taking it, she gave it a look. It was undoubtedly notes about the clock but it was in Prakrit language. She went through it and wondered. The sand clock was undoubtedly a time machine.

*We could go to the past but the future.

*We could converse with people when we travel to the past.

*But... We could not CHANGE anything.

*If we stayed in the past, it would create a PARALLEL UNIVERSE. That was completely against nature.

*We could return to the present anytime with the use of the clock.

*While returning, we will appear at the same place from where we went in the past.

Khushi frowned. What kind of time machine was this? If we could not change anything, then why did people die for this? What would they do with this? They just travel to the past. Nothing more than that. It would be useful to an explorer like her but not for common people.

But... Something didn't seem right. If it had no use, why did people chase her? Why did they kidnap Nayak? Did she miss something? Maybe...

Khushi decided to meet Nayak the next day. She wanted to get clear her doubt. He might have known about the clock. Or, he would know its purpose. Keeping the clock in her pocket, she got back to the hostel.

She didn't sleep as her mind got stuck in the clock. How beautiful the feeling of changing the past...! How proud she could have been if she had changed the past...!

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