"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M GETTING MARRIED!?" Staring at my so called father I glare at him until he looks to me.
"We need this for our kingdom and you know it Nova. We don't have a choice our kingdom is falling to ashes. Literally." Rubbing his hand against the smoldered teprestry as if to prove his point. It just crumbled under his finger tips.
"You have several other daughters why do I have to get married?" Throwing my hand out as sparks danced around my arms.
"Because you are closest in age to their prince!" Smashing his fist into the wall a small current of his magic takes form.
"I don't even know him, how in the world am I supposed to marry him?" At this point my flames were beginning to join in his small tornado swirling the fire around us. In other words we were just making more of a mess of the place.
"You are our princess and you shall act like it!" Things were beginning to lose their grip and were being sucked into the swirling mass of elements.
Holding my face in pain the elements finally calm down around us. My father, our king, looking at me in pure rage.
"Don't forget your place. It is you who killed your mother. The fault is on your shoulders so you shall fix the problem. End of discussion. Pack your things you are to leave for the mainland tomorrow." Spinning on his heel I watch my once loving father storm off, his greenish, scaley wings puffed out behind him in a show of dominance.
Trudging to my room I sit on my balcony. I am not marrying some snot nosed, feathery winged freak. I am a dragonite and my children will be as well. Shoving anything necessary to me on a long trip I pack my frontpack, slipping it on my stomach I spread out my blue and silver wings and take for the sky. I am not staying where he can boss me around any longer. I will gather my flock and head for the mainlands.Let me start you from the beginning, the very beginning. My father hasn't always been this possesive. He used to be all about our kingdom. Then my mother died giving birth to my baby brother, our next king, which is complete crap by the way. I was supposed to bring the healer but I didn't find him in time so my father blames me for my mother's death. I hate him. After her death he became cold and more demanding of us. Eventually most of my sisters left and our kingdom and monarchy has begun to fall to ruin. I will not stand traveling far from my home, but I will if I have no other choice, just not in the way he would imagine.
Our loving home world has four main continents, and absolutely none of our species get along. Which goes to show how willing I am to marry an avian. There are the powerful and strong dragonite people who dominate the fiery lands of Calor. I am a princess of this land, one of many actually but more on that later.
The dragonite are a powerful and dominate people, but very sweet and fun loving at heart. They are for there country and loyalty is a virtue amongst our people. We have control on the elements based on class. The common people can control only the base elements such as fire, water, earth and air, any gift is remarkibly strong and we can survive on any continent.
The next class is the warrior class and this is where the power really starts to come to play. Strength determines what powers you can have, this is where different forms of the main elements come into effect. Like the control of metal or ice, sometimes we even get a magma user which is a cross between fire and earth. It is rare if the dragonite get more than one power to control but not unheard of. The last class is royalty which is where I come in.
The royalty for obvious reasons are the most powerful. We can control any and every powerful trace element, my father for example uses carbon dioxide which can quite frankly cause an opponent to choke to death in seconds. It is also a good from of fire distiguisure due to the fact it gets rid of the air around me. Elements like that are very dangerous for they cannot be seen.
I have seven older sisters and one younger brother by six years. Male dragonite baby's always end in a disastrous birth. Out of all of my siblings I am the strongest for I have three different elements at my control. Blue fire and plasma are the only ones I know of so far, but my wings contain three different colors, silver, blue and faint traces of gold. Each set of wings is unique and determine what elements you control I haven't mastered all of mine yet... so there are lot of fire related accidents in the castle. The dragonite are only born into royalty.
The next continent is where I'm being sent to with those avain freaks. It is the continent of Aries and is far the biggest and most powerful. Since our ratio of male to female is at such a huge difference more and more of our women have been going to them and creating horrible hybrids. Honestly they are just diluting there blood lines but there is nothing we can do about it. Each of there classes determine how they live there lifes. For example white is a sign of purity to them and the more they have on there wings the more status they have.This can quite frankly let you become royalty no matter what bloodline. No one has been born with pure white wings but they have come pretty close. And black wings are associated with thievery and crime. The more black in your wings the lower the class. People with more then fifty percent of their wings black are... well there killed in fear of what they might becomes. This is why I quite frankly hate there kingdom. Also apparently the Royals over there do not expose there wings to the public until they take over the monarchy to establish there dominance. My supposed prince has never shown a single feather to the public. Like seriously what is wrong with these people. I've heard the prince is a total shut in. I want nothing to do with him for Ala's sake I don't even know what the poor bastard looks like. Oh well.
The third continent is the Mortem isles. It is a chain of islands that no one goes near for safety purposes. It is an area surrounded by death. Anyone who trespasses is found the next morning in there homes in varying degrees of death. No one know how or why but it is the most feared place in the world.
The last and probley the least is full of mystery and the most calm of places. It is an island above the lands that can be seen floating in various spots. It is said to show your most wonderful hopes and desires. No one can stay there however for the fear of having there minds completely overtaken by this place. Living here will make you forget your old life and responsibilities. The people here take advantage of the poor fools and this is how the islands people feed...
Anyway this is our home world, a very dangerous home world, and I'm about to take it by storm.

Teen FictionWhen our heroine Nova is going to be forced into a diplomatic marriage she plans her escape. When she and her two best friends leave for the avian kingdom she starts to hunt down her supposed fiancee. When she discovers a mind shattering secret abou...