Jun 11, 2022.
Kageyama "Oikawa..."
Oikawa "No...please don't...."
Kageyama "Oikawa."
Oikawa "I am sorry..."
Kageyama sighs as he continues to shake Oikawa.
Kageyama "Oikawa, wake up."
Oikawa "No, I didn't mean to."
Kageyama "It's just a nightmare."
Kageyama "Come on, wake up."
Oikawa "Please..."
Oikawa whines as more tears spill from his eyes. Oikawa shoots up and gets from the couch startling Kageyama.
Kageyama "Oikawa?"
Oikawa turns around still panting.
Oikawa "Kageyama... I..."
Kageyama stands up from the floor and embraces Oikawa. Oikawa stays still for a few seconds before moving his hands and hugging Kageyama tightly. He buries his face on Kageyama's shoulder as more tears spill from his eyes. Kageyama stays silent while slowly stroking Oikawa's hair. They stay in that position for a few minutes before Oikawa breaks the hug.
Oikawa "I...am...sorry..."
Kageyama stares into Oikawa's eyes before Oikawa shifts his gaze. Kageyama wipes the tears from Oikawa's face before speaking.
Kageyama "Are you sure you are fine?"
Oikawa takes a deep breath before nodding.
Oikawa "I am fine."
Oikawa "I am sorry, I woke you up."
Kageyama "..."
Oikawa "Eh..."
Oikawa "What time is it?"
Kageyama "About 5."
Oikawa "Go back to sleep then, I-."
Kageyama "It's alright."
Oikawa "."
Kageyama "I will go for a run."
Oikawa "Oh, okay."
Kageyama "But before that..."
Oikawa "."
Kageyama "Do you wanna talk about the nightmare?"
Oikawa just shakes his head.
Oikawa "I don't wanna..."
Kageyama "Alright, we won't."
Oikawa "Thank you..."
Oikawa says with his head lowered making Kageyama sigh.
Kageyama "Oikawa?"
Oikawa "Yeah?"
Kageyama "I will be always ready if you ever wanna tell me about it, alright?"
Kageyama says with a soft voice as he places his hand under Oikawa's chin to raise his face. Oikawa glimpses into Kageyama's eyes for a second before shifting his gaze.
Oikawa "."
Kageyama "Anyway, your manager will be here in an hour, right?"
Oikawa "Yeah..."
Kageyama "Alright."
Kageyama "Go take a shower and freshen up."
Kageyama "I will prepare breakfast for us."
Oikawa "Kageyama, you don't have-."
Kageyama "Just go and get ready."
Oikawa "Thanks."
Oikawa says in a low voice before rushing to Kageyama's room. Kageyama watches Oikawa close the door before heading to the small kitchen in the corner. He takes out the pan and fries some sausages before adding the eggs. While waiting for the eggs to be cooked he puts some toast in the toaster and adds the frozen bananas, strawberries, milk and flavorless protein powder to the blender, and starts it.
Kageyama places the eggs and toast on a plate as Oikawa enters the room. He smiles but instantly returns to a neutral face once Oikawa walks in the booth direction. Kageyama places the plate in front of him before turning back to the smoothie and pouring it into a bowl. He adds some more fresh fruits and nuts to the bowl before sitting near Oikawa.
Kageyama "💭This guy doesn't know how hot he is with his hair down."
Kageyama "💭Or he doesn't know what I really wanna do to him."
Oikawa "Thank you..."
Kageyama "Mm...yeah..."
Kageyama "💭 Stay calm Tobio..."
They continued to eat silently until the bell door rang. Kageyama opens the door to allow Kuro in.
Kuro "I am sorry for the inconvenience we are causing you."
Kageyama "It's nothing..."
Kuro "I didn't expect this matter to take this much time."
Kageyama "I am not bothered."
Kageyama "Oikawa can stay with me as long as he wants."
Oikawa "Thanks."
Kageyama ruffles Oikawa's hair while Kuro gives them a weird look. Kageyama enters his bedroom and changes his clothes.
Kageyama "I will be leaving now so feel comfortable and consider yourself at home."
Oikawa nods while Kuro frowns looking between the two.
Oikawa "Kageyama, wait."
Kageyama "Yes?"
Oikawa "Your water bottle."
Kageyama "Thanks."
Kageyama takes the bottle from Oikawa's hand before leaving.
Kuro "What the hell is going on between the two of you?"
Kageyama hears Kuro screams once he steps out of the apartment, making him laugh as he walks down the stairs and heads toward the park, he runs at every morning.
Once he reaches the park, Kageyama starts warming up, but Oikawa's screams pop into his head, making him freeze. He presses his lips together as Oikawa's pained face resurfaces. Kageyama gulps before he starts running.
Kageyama "💭Oikawa is getting more nightmares..."
Kageyama "💭This is the 4th night in a row I wake up to him screaming..."
Kageyama "."
Kageyama "💭I wonder what are they about..."
Kageyama "."
Kageyama "💭Are they related to when he panicked in the car?"
Kageyama "."
Kageyama "💭Just if he opens up to me and tells me what happened..."
Kageyama speeds up his running pace as a frown occupies his face.
Hinata "Oi, Kageyama~"
Kageyama "."