Gift Giving

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Gwen: didn't think u would be one to love Christmas

Owen: while I love summer I love winter just as much!!!

Heather: Christmas is only fun when u get to go shopping and receive gifts

Owen: what abt giving??

Heather: no

Gwen: she thinks it's a waste of money to buy others stuff

Owen: I feel so offended 😔

Courtney: we should do a secret Santa!

Noah: do we have to meet up for this

Lindsay: I hve n jdas

Tyler: what's ur idea linds

Noah: u can read that??

Tyler: it's not difficult really

Lindsay: what if we put names in a hat, choose who we get a gift for, and then come back in 2-3 hours for the exchange!

Courtney: did she just-

Heather: what the FUCK

Tyler: Beth typed it for her

Noah: that makes so much more sense

Courtney: not a bad idea

Heather: we can do this at Geoff's house

Heather: IK he has a rlly big house

Geoff: it's true but I had it renovated so we just have to stay away from that area

Geoff: pretty much just the basement is where we can't go

Gwen: that's reasonable

Courtney: so when will this be?

Geoff: I can host once the builders leave

Geoff: which will be like the end of the week

Courtney: ok so Geoff's at 5 on Friday?

Heather: sounds good

Gwen: alr

Cody: I'm in !

Noah: same

Izzy: OHOHOHOHOHOH ME TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva: I'll have to restrain her so I'll go

DJ: I'll make food for the party :)

Owen is typing...

DJ: Owen no.

Owen: aw man :(

Duncan: awesome

Alejandro: count me in

Heather: bleh

Alejandro: sad I can't fake-flirt with u anymore

Gwen: yeah that's right Al

Alejandro: die

Tyler: me Lindsay and beth r also going

Trent: I'll go obv

Duncan: u need a ride there?

Trent: yeah actually

Gwen: the tension

Heather: it pains me

Bridgette: I'll go too!

Courtney: anyone else?

Sadie: I forgot this existed omg

Sadie: I'll go too I just need the address

Courtney:  u bringing Katie along?

Sadie: I... havent talked to her in a while

Courtney: oh

Geoff: ok so I'm gonna assume that's everyone, so mine at 5 on Friday!

Geoff: Sadie ill dm u the address

Sadie: thx

Courtney: ok then it's settled

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