Chapter 5

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Baby's POV

"I'm just like my father, aren't I?"

I just can't understand why I do these things.

The first person who's talked to me in years I just sent away.

I even hurt her arm.

Oh, the poor thing. I'm really hoping I didn't break it. She'd never forgive me.

I wonder if she'll even come back. If she knew what was good for her, she'd never talk to me again.

"I guess I really am meant to be alone forever."


Deliah's POV

I realize that nothing is going to be accomplished by trying to talk with her again. She needs some time to cool off. The problem is that I can't just sneak into here all the time. I'd get caught at some point. Especially if it's not deserted like today. If only I could talk with her without being face-to-face. I just need a way to talk to her while still giving her some space. That's when it hit me.

The walkie-talkie!

Dang it, why didn't I just take that thing with me. Well, I left it on the counter here. Maybe it's still there. If I can make it up there without anyone seeing me I might be able to have an actual conversation with her. I can't take too long though. If Dad gets home before me I'll never hear the end of it.

I walk up to the entrance of the park to the counter I left the walkie-talkie on. It's nowhere to be seen. I'm not surprised though. After all, it's been over a week since I left it there. Although I doubt they put it back in the supply closet because Baby hadn't mentioned any visitors. Maybe someone sat it down in the room behind the tills. I try to open the door only to find that it's locked. Maybe there's a key somewhere I can use. As I begin to search I start to hear footsteps. I duck behind the counter, praying whoever it is didn't see me. The footsteps keep getting louder to the point where it's obvious that it's heading my way. I knew coming here was a bad idea. Maybe I can come up with an excuse for why I'm here. Like... um... I've got nothing. Who even walks this loud anyways? This place is covered in grass. I shouldn't be able to hear someone walking. I quickly take a peek over the counter to see what was making the notice.


I see the circus-themed bear walking around. Are these things supposed to be walking around, especially when the place is closed?  Maybe the bear can open the door for me. If I can trick him into opening the door, I might not need a key after all. But what if he catches me. What if he alerts the police, or worse. If Baby almost broke my arm, what can the newer models do? I can't think about this right now. Baby needs someone to help her, and I'm the only one who can. If I knock on the door, maybe he'll think someone is trapped inside and open it. I quickly run over to the door and knock on it before quickly hiding under the counter. The bear walks over to the door and stares. The door suddenly flings open and the bear walks inside. This is my chance. I slowly crawl towards the door and peek inside the room. I can't see Freddy, but I can hear loud footsteps from the distance. I need to be quick. I run into the room and quickly look around for any signs of the walkie-talkie. I notice a box labeled lost and found. Even though they own the item, there's a chance it got thrown into the bin with other lost items. I quickly  go through the bin and find it under a hat. I quickly leave before Freddy can find me and go back under the counter. Please tell me the batteries still work in this thing. Thankfully the device turns on. Although I'm unsure if I want to use it while Freddy is nearby. I don't want to attract unnecessary attention. I guess I'll just have to wait him out. After sitting there for fifteen minutes, Freddy walks out the door before locking it again. After he's far enough away I turn the walkie-talkie back on. 




"Baby, are you there?"

"Shut up!" she yells.

"You shouldn't be around me, you'll just get hurt."

"Well, you can't hurt me right now, can you?"

"I guess not."

"Then can we just have a conversation then? I promise I won't ask you about your past."

As much as I'd like to know all of her secrets, it's clearly a touchy subject.

"Not many kids would be comfortable with me yet your trying your best to be friends with me Why is that?"

"Your nice to me, you helped me find my Dad when I was lost. Plus, I know how it feels to be lonely, and I feel like by helping you, I'll finally get to make a friend."

"I just don't think I'm the right person for you to be friends with. You're a nice girl and all Deliah, but I'm not exactly normal. I also haven't had an actual conversation with someone in ages."

"Well, we're having a conversation now. And you are doing fine, I think you've just got some anger issues, that's all. That doesn't define who you are. And who cares that you're an animatronic, your still a good person, and that's all that matters."

"Thank you Deliah, I'm really going to miss you."

"Do you think if I took a walkie-talkie with me I could talk to you from my house?"

"I wish so but, unfortunately, those things are pretty short distance. We'd get disconnected a few seconds after you leave."

"I can't just leave you all alone again. I don't know how long it'll be before I can come back."

"It's fine Deliah. I'm used to being by myself."

"That's exactly why I can't leave you here again. Come on, let's break you out of here."

"Are you nuts!? You can't just take me with you."

"Why not? No one is even here today. Don't you want to be free?" I ask her.

"Yes, but... "

"Then let's go."

"I'm just afraid."

"Huh?.. What are you afraid of?"

"The thing is that... I've been out before... but they always put me back."

"Well, you seem fine. What's the worst that could happen?"

"I'm not like you Deliah, I can't just walk away from this place and be free. If someone saw me, I wouldn't be able to try again. They wouldn't just throw me in here again. They'd turn me into scrap."

"You said it yourself the day we first met, no one has been in here in forever. I doubt they would even notice you're gone. "

"I'm just... not sure, she says."

"When are you going to get another chance like this Baby. No one's even here today."

"Okay", Baby says. "I'm ready!"

Baby & Deliah (A Springtrap & Deliah AU)Where stories live. Discover now