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Apo pov~

I was tossing around on the bed shifting on sides rolling around the bed under the blanket but I can't even sleep my eyes are blank open even the medicines seem to have no effect on my brain to make me sleep I am not even dizzy or lazy - shia!

I sprang out from under the sheets and sat on the bed looking around Mile was wrapped under the blanket on the sofa I think he is sleeping..


I called him out slowly he must be sleeping so I am assuming he won't even hear me but to my astonishment he popped out from under the blanket and rushed towards me turning on the lamp.

"Are you okay?Is it hurting somewhere?Should I call the doctor?Are you hurt?"

He sounded like a worried mother who is responsible for her toddler but I find this version of him so cute like if he will only behave this good when I am sick then I will get sick everyday and I just can't help but laugh at how he behaves.

His expressions became annoyed immediately and his face was covered in a frown but this too was way cute,,

"What?"he asked annoyed rubbing his temples.

"I can't sleep.."

I glanced at him and pouted then glancing towards the empty side of the bed then back at him,he raised his brows and cocked his head towards the empty bed side and I nodded - come on let's cuddle I can't sleep alone.

The next moment he removed his clothes just in his briefs and my cheeks turned red I looked away to hide my embarrassment but hearing his muffled sly grin I could only smile helplessly like a fool.

He lied next to me pulling up the sheets on himself and placing his hands above his torso and closed his eyes..tch this old man doesn't even know how to sleep with a pretty boy idiot that's not how you do it,I pulled his arm and extended it against the pillow placing my head on his arm snuggling deeper against his broad chest and clasped my arm around his waist.

He paused for a moment watching me do whatever I was doing but then wrapped his warm arm around my back and took a turn to face me laying on his side pulling me in deeper in his embrace and placed a peck in my hair.

His chest was broad and felt fresh,he smelled woody and earthy but at the same time sweet and citrusy - he had an addictive smell of frankincense I didn't realised when I was taking long breaths against his chest engulfing his fragrance ,it was so warm and comfortable against his skin that I didn't realised when my eyes felt heavy and I dozed off in sleep.


When Apo woke up next in the morning the room was filled with the golden sunlight and he was welcomed by a familiar face,Mile was lying next to him his face was peaceful and beautiful he looked like a magic spell that Apo was bound in,the prettiest sleeper - a sleeping beauty!

Apo's hand travelled up to caress Mile's face with his hands,his warm tender fingers grazing against his cheek and unknowingly Apo's face climbed up to kiss Mile's cheek and immediately Mile opened his eyes and smiled teasingly.

"Someone seems too addicted to me..hmm?"

Apo pushed Mile's shoulder away and sat up back pressed against the headboard smiling sheepishly playing with his fingers in his lap.

"Who is addicted to you?"

He said slowly lowly embarrassed while Mile pushed himself up on his elbows rubbing his palm over his face and reaching out to kiss Apo's cheek..

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