Gathering of Aces-Act 1

670 21 6

Two hours later, outside of the Japanese coastline, a destroyer is on her daily patrol

On board the Kongo-class destroyer Kirishima, the Japanese sailors are playing cards in the control room, some lying themselves comfortably onto their white clean bed sheets, the others gathering themselves in the movie room, watching some recent anime,and sometimes American movies.

The outside deck is no different,a few men sneaked out to have a comfy sunbathe under the sky of the Pacific, the wind blowing up the JMSDF flag in the air, blending into the golden light of the sun. If they were in Hawaii right now, things would be pretty much the same.

Even in the main control room, some individuals found themselves having no job to do, they were just lying on their chairs, playing games on some computers that are free from tasks. In fact, aside from those who are on their shift and can't join the fun, all of the rest are unprepared for any combat mission.

And the captain, he choose to lying on his chair sleeping


"Captain, I detected an active radio signal underwater,I am not sure,but it might be trying to connect to our destroyer."

Annoyed from the sudden awake, the captain of Kirishima struggled to stands up and walks to the sonar operator:

"Those damn submarines, where did the sub come from?"

"We guessed that it came from the Chinese coastline, then it must be a Chinese submarine, but I am not sure, since they used different radio frequencies from any Chinese subs we've ever encountered, should we tell them to turn back?"

"Yes, just connect to the radio signal"-then he turned to the sailors

"Alright. Wake up everyone"

The operator tried to turn on the radio,while the captain dragging the men on their slumber back to work, those who on the deck should be called later, but right now having the control room working 100% is already enough


Another sonar wave was received back to the transmitter, right at the same time the captain was looking at it.

"Yeah,that would be a su-"

A bright red dot appeared for a short time, before it disappeared from the screen

"What the-"

Then the dot returned to a normal size, the captain thought he was drunk for a few seconds.Anyway, the important thing is having contact with them first, he thought.

*Radio turned on*

"Sir,we've connected to them"

Hearing the call of the radio operator, without any response, the captain ran to the control board and picked up the radio mic:

<<Unidentified ship. This is Japan Maritime Defense->>

"Hello, this is Erusian Navy Submersible Aircraft Cruiser Alicorn, we would request Japan to allow our ship to dock and resupply"

To their surprise, a broken French-speaking-English voice came out from the radio, instead of any Chinese.

Needing confirmation,the captain asked

<<Pardon, may you repeat?>>

<<This is Captain Torres from Erusian Navy Submersible Aircraft Cruiser Alicorn, we want to dock our ship at Nagasaki Port, eh...are you familiar with the Osean Federation?>>

The captain of Kirishima, who definitely knew about Osean's transference. Hearing the strange unfamiliar name of Erusia, he replied to the submarine captain:

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